
来源 :英语自学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenrongxu222
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由上海外国语大学英语系编辑、上海外语教育出版社出版的《英语自学》在祖国改革开放的一片欣欣向荣的大好形势下迎来了它的第100期。我谨代表上海外语教育出版社向《英语自学》的读者、撰稿者及编辑部的全体同志致以最热烈的祝贺。自从1985年问世以来,《英语自学》起到了成为广大英语自学者、英语爱好者和全国各地大学与中学的学生的良师益友的作用,指导他们用事半功倍的方法尽快地提高自己的英语水平,陪伴他们攻克一个又一个的难 The “English Self-Study” published by the Shanghai Foreign Languages ​​University’s English Department Editor and the Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press has ushered in its 100th issue under the flourishing situation of the motherland’s reform and opening up. On behalf of the Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to all the readers, contributors and editors of the “Self-Learning English”. Since its inception in 1985, “English Self-Study” has played a role as a good teacher and helpful friend of English majors, English lovers, and university and high school students all over the country. They teach them to use their methods to do their best to improve their English as soon as possible and to accompany them. Conquering one difficulty after another
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