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1When Posten walked outside to her car, she saw something that looked like a note or receipt stuck to the windshield.rn2She grabbed it and saw it was a black and white photo of a woman holding a little boy. On the back, it said,“Gertie Swatzell&J.D. Swatzell 1942.”A few hours later, Posten dis?covered that the photo had made quite a journey—almost 130 miles (209 kilometers) on the back of terrible winds.
1The SNAG stands for stereotyped nature?inspired aerial grasper and it\'s a 3D?printed bird robot with claws. It can fly, stay on various surfaces, catch and carry objects, just like the mighty falcon (隼) that was used as the source of inspiration in it
1It\'s not always easy to admit a mistake, perse?vere during tough times, or follow through every prom?ise made. It\'s not always comfortable to convey the hard truth or stand up for your beliefs.
Earth Hour is an annual event which asks people to switch off all lights and use no electricity for an hour. The aim is to get people thinking about the planet they live on and the energy they use.
1I was never a very adventurous person but one trip that changed my view about adventures is the trip that I took with my family down the Amazon River in a boat.rn2As we got ready for the trip, I was a little worried about whether it would be too ad?ventu
1Recently, Heinz has just released a special“Marz Edition”ketchup, a kind of ketchup made from tomatoes that were grown in agricultural conditions which imitated those on Mars. The site for this feat was the“Red House”, a greenhouse at the Florida Insti?t
1A few years ago, four kids from Indian Hill, Ohio, teamed up to open a lemonade stand in their neighborhood. The Zerbe family\'s two sons and the Weidner family\'s two daughters set up their stand and earned their first check—$148. Instead of keeping
《福尔摩斯小姐》由哈利·布拉德比尔执导,海伦娜·伯翰·卡特、米莉·波比·布朗、亨利·卡维尔主演,于2020年9月在美国上映.该片剧本改编自南希·斯普林格的小说The Enola Holmes Mysteries,围绕夏洛克·福尔摩斯顽皮聪颖的小妹妹伊诺拉·福尔摩斯的探案故事展开.