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新月文学社湖南省桃江县源嘉桥学校新月文学社成立于1999年9月。成立之初,社员只有二三十人,刊物也是手工刻印的。经过7年多的努力,新月文学社终于走出了一片天地:近三年,社员每年在省市级刊物上发表作品20多篇,在国家级作文比赛中获奖人次每年超过30人。在桃江县文学社团评比中,新月文学社次次是优秀文学社,刊物年年是一等奖。在全县文学社会议上,社长文柳英老师还代表新月文学社作了经验发言。守得云开见月明,我们有理由相信,在老师和同学的共同努力下,新月文学社会在广袤的天宇中留下美丽的身影! Crescent Literature Society Taojiang County, Hunan Province source Jiaqiao School Crescent Literature Society was established in September 1999. At the beginning of the establishment, there were only 20 to 30 members and the publications were also hand-carved. After more than seven years of hard work, the Crescent Literature Society has finally come out of the world: in the past three years, members have published more than 20 works in provincial and municipal publications each year, and more than 30 people have won awards in national essay competitions. In the Taojiang County Literary Society appraisal, the New Moon Literary Society is the second best literary club, publication is the first prize every year. In the literary society meeting of the county, the president Wenliu Liu also made an experience speech on behalf of the Crescent Literature Society. We can reasonably believe that with the joint efforts of teachers and students, the Crescent Literature Society has left a beautiful figure in the vast sky!
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龋齿是人类口腔中最多发的疾病,对健康危害相当严重。据各地近年调查结果,我国学龄儿童龋患率约为50%,而且无论乳牙还是恒牙,都是第一、第二磨牙为龋病最好发的部位。 第一恒
这些猴子形态各异、千姿百态:它们有的倒挂金钩,有的互相抓虱子,有的追逐打闹,还有的有气无力地趴在那里休息……有趣极了! These monkeys vary in form and in different p
语文新课程标准指出:“学生是语文学习的主人。语文教学应激发学生的学习兴趣,注重培养学生自主学习的意识和习惯,创设良好的自主学习情境, The new Chinese language stand