关注客户 强化基础 稳中求进 确保圆满完成全年各项目标任务——在2012年全省烟草专卖局(公司)局长(经理)座谈会上的讲话(摘要)

来源 :湖南烟草 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tsinfang
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一、上半年主要工作情况今年上半年,全省烟草商业系统按照年初工作会议的部署,紧紧围绕“卷烟上水平”这一基本方针和战略任务,以“1+5”和“四有”目标为重点,大力加强卷烟营销、烟叶生产、卷烟打假和企业管理工作,统筹推进各项工作上水平,经济运行继续保持平稳健康发展的良好态势。1—6月,全省烟草商业系统销售卷烟142.58万箱,同比增长3.45%; I. Major Work in the First Half of the Year In the first half of this year, the tobacco business system in the province closely followed the basic principle and strategic task of “improving the level of cigarettes” in the light of the deployment of the early-stage working conference. The “1 +5” and " We will vigorously step up efforts in cigarette marketing, tobacco production, cigarette counterfeiting and enterprise management, and will make overall efforts to promote all levels of work and maintain a steady and healthy economic development. 1-6 months, the province’s tobacco business sales of 1,442,800 cases of cigarettes, an increase of 3.45%;