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深化科研事业单位人事制度改革,是推进我国科技改革发展的重要任务。而人事制度改革是一项系统工程,涉及到多个方面,要进行人事制度的综合配套改革,就要建立健全与社会主义市场经济相适应与科研事业单位人事制度相适应的社会保障制度,加快作为社会经济的“稳定器”和社会分配的“调节器”的社会保障制度的改革进程。科研事业单位应从以下几个方面加快社会保障制度改革的进程。第一,进一步扩大科研事业单位社会保险覆盖面,为人事制度改革创造条件,将当前科研事业单位养老保险的参保对象由劳动合同制工人和聘用制干部扩展到全体职工。只有把事业单位的全体职工都纳入社会保险范围,建立统一的社会保险制度,才有利于劳动者享有平等的社会保障权利,才有利于促进 Deepening the personnel system reform in scientific research institutions is an important task for promoting the reform and development of science and technology in our country. The reform of the personnel system is a systematic project that involves many aspects. To carry out the comprehensive reform of the personnel system, we must establish and improve a social security system that is compatible with the socialist market economy and that is compatible with the personnel system of scientific research institutes, speed up The reform process of the social security system as a “stabilizer” of social economy and a “regulator” of social distribution. Scientific research institutions should speed up the reform of the social security system in the following aspects. First, to further expand the social insurance coverage of research institutions and create conditions for the reform of the personnel system, and expand the coverage of endowment insurance for current scientific research institutions from workers in the labor contract system and employing cadres to all employees. Only by including all the staff and workers of public institutions in the scope of social insurance and establishing a unified social insurance system will workers be entitled to equal social security rights and promote their promotion
(一) 东汉張仲景“勤求古训,博采众方”,著成《伤寒杂病論》一书,为中医辨証論治创造了光輝的典范,成为祖国医学遗产中最珍貴的部分。但历来医家对本論的看法尚不一致,如就
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