特立独行的革命者 切·格瓦拉

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格瓦拉1928年出生于阿根廷,医学院毕业。 青年时期的格瓦拉骑自行车、摩托车或徒步漫游 了拉丁美洲许多国家,调查研究拉丁美洲穷困不 发达的原因。1954年他参加了危地马拉阿本斯民 主政权抵抗美国干涉的斗争,后来成为卡斯特罗 的亲密战友,于1956年冬和另外81名战友乘“格 拉玛”号帆船横渡墨西哥湾,在古巴东部奥连特 省南端登陆,沿途遭到敌人狙击,伤亡惨重,只 剩下卡斯特罗和格瓦拉等12人。后来又经过20 多天艰苦跋涉终于到达富有革命传统的马埃斯特 腊山区,建立了游击根据地。 我初识格瓦拉是在古巴革命胜利后的第一百 Guevara was born in Argentina in 1928, graduated from the Medical School. In his youth Guevara traveled by bike, motorbike or on foot for many countries in Latin America to investigate the reasons for the underdevelopment in Latin America. In 1954 he participated in the struggle of the democratic regime of Antigua Guatemala in order to resist U.S. intervention and later became a close comrade in arms of Castro. In 1956, he and other 81 comrades took a cruise on the Gulf of Mexico in the “Grama” The southern tip of the eastern part of the province of Oriente landed and was attacked by enemies along the way, leaving heavy casualties, leaving only 12 people, including Castro and Guevara. Later, after more than 20 days of trekking finally reached the rich revolutionary tradition of Maastricht, the establishment of guerrilla base areas. My first acquaintance Guevara was the hundredth after the victory of the Cuban revolution
中国青年政治学院副教授邢小 群,近年来致力于“口述历史”的研究和实 践。2002年8月23日、9月10日、9月24 日,他对中共中央党史研究室原副主任郑惠进 行了三次访谈。在郑惠
在区域经济一体化进程发展中,闽台两地的产业合作已有长足的发展。为了进一步发 展两地产业合作。本文就建构两地合作机制问题提出了构想。 In the process of regional e
1918年6月14日,天津郊外军粮城的奉军司令部会客厅里,坐着两位军人。年龄大的约50岁,他是北洋元老、陆军上将陆建章,年轻一点的40岁左右,他就是北洋大军阀段祺瑞的心腹徐树铮。  陆建章此次回京处理公务,路过天津,昨天刚下火车,便接到徐树铮的电话,邀他第二天到奉军司令部面谈。徐树铮在北洋军阀中是晚辈,不是小站练兵的旧人,因此对陆建章这个北洋元老很是“尊敬”,一口一个陆老,搞得陆建章有些莫名其妙。
Toll-like receptor(TLR)-mediated inflammatory response could negatively affect bone metabolism. In this study, we determined how osteogenesis is regulated durin
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