提高认识 落实责任 加强领导是做好基金征缴工作的关键措施

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近年来,肥城市把社会保险基金征缴当作保持社会稳定,推动社会保险体系健康发展的头等大事来抓,使基金收缴工作取得了较好效果。到2000年底,全市参加养老保险统等的企业单位428个,参保人数45627人;参加失业保险的企业182家,参保职工81100人。2000年,全市共收缴企业养老保险费3970万元,收缴失业保险费608万元。肥城市社会保险基金征缴工作取得了明显成绩。靠的是:一是市委市政府高度重视,切实加强了对基金征缴工作的领导。主要领导及分管领导经常专门听取情况汇报,及时研究解决工作中存在的各种矛盾和困难。二是各企业单位能依法缴费。大部分企业、部门一班人能够按照规定要求,积极从大局出发,克服困难,千方百计上缴基 In recent years, the city of Feicheng regarded the collection of social insurance funds as the top priority for maintaining social stability and promoting the healthy development of the social insurance system, and made the fund collection work achieved good results. By the end of 2000, the number of enterprises and institutions participating in the pension insurance in the city totaled 428, with 45,627 insured persons; 182 enterprises participated in unemployment insurance and 81,100 workers insured. In 2000, the city collected a total of 39.7 million yuan of endowment insurance premiums and collected unemployment insurance costs of 6.08 million yuan. Feicheng City Social Security Fund has made significant achievements in the collection. Rely on: First, the municipal government attaches great importance to effectively strengthen the leadership of the fund collection. The main leaders and the leaders in charge often listen specifically to reports of the situation and promptly study and solve all kinds of contradictions and difficulties in their work. Second, all business units can pay according to law. Most enterprises and departments and groups of people can, in accordance with the stipulations and requirements, actively proceed from the overall situation, overcome difficulties and do everything possible to surrender their bases
昨日读书,记下这样一段话:两个画家和一个农民上了山,一个画家说:“美呀!这完全是八大的手笔。”另一个画家说:“美呀!这是凡高刚刚画完的画。”一旁的农民搭了话:“美 Readi
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