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畸形中央尖的治疗方法有多种,对牙髓已感染,牙根尚未发育完成甚至根周有病变,瘘管的患牙,我们采用了根管治疗的方法。通过几年的观察,大多数牙根尖能钙化封闭或牙根继续发育完成,根尖病变消失,患牙得以保存。现将1985年以来我科经根管治疗的19颗患牙的疗效,报告如下。 1 治疗方法和步骤 (1)除去感染的牙髓,开放引流,牙髓巳坏死、坏疸或根尖有病变者,尽可能将坏死组织去除干净。儿童牙髓往往成肉芽状态或变性成纤维状态,不易去尽。可采用洗髓针,松松地卷上棉丝,放在根管内,按卷棉丝的同一方向卷紧,牙髓磷片即可随棉捻一起卷出。当接近根尖部分有明显探痛,并有鲜血时,不必强行去除。这部分组织为残存的牙乳头,应保留,以利于牙根的继续发育。对坏疽牙髓,先滴入3%氯亚明液后再拔髓,操作要轻巧,以免将感染物质推出根尖孔。已形成脓肿者,要及时切开引流。 (2)根管封药:对根尖未形成者,多采用樟脑酚。根尖已形成的坏疸根管,采用早醛甲酚棉捻。对叩痛不易消失,渗出多的根管,采用碘仿糊剂。封药2—3周,待炎 Deformity of the central tip of a variety of treatment methods, the pulp has been infected, root development has not yet completed or even the root of lesions, fistula teeth, we used a root canal treatment. After several years of observation, most of the apical cusp can be closed or calcified to complete the development of root, apical lesions disappear, the teeth can be preserved. Now since 1985, our department of root canal treatment of 19 teeth with the effect, the report is as follows. 1 treatment and steps (1) Remove the infected pulp, open drainage, pulp necrosis, bad jaundice or apical lesions, as far as possible to remove the necrotic tissue clean. Children's dental pulp often into granulation state or degeneration into a fibrous state, not easy to do. Can be used to wash the needles, loosely wound on the cotton yarn, placed in the root canal, according to the volume of cotton in the same direction winding, pulp pulp can be rolled out with the cotton twist. When the apical part of the obvious painful, and blood, do not have to be forcibly removed. This part of the organization for the residual dental papillae, should be retained in order to facilitate the continued development of the root. The gangrene pulp, first drops of 3% chloroaminer solution and then extracted, the operation should be lightweight, so as not to launch infected substances introduced apical foramen. Abscess has been formed, to promptly cut open drainage. (2) root canal sealing drugs: the root tip is not formed, use more camphor phenol. Root tip has formed bad jaundice root canal, using the morning aldehyde phenol cotton twist. Not easy to knock on the pain, exudate and more root canal, using iodoform paste. Seal drugs 2-3 weeks, to be inflammation
第14卷,第1阑(总66),1992隼1月粒状材料强度异向性的物理实质和数学表现形式………、……………………··、··,…………··,·,··陈 起(1)分形几何及其在岩土力学中的
美国一家公司推出了一种用大型喷雾器喷洒形成的塑料涂层(Paxcon),喷洒了这种塑料涂层的墙壁具备相当高的抗爆和防弹能力。美国空军在军事建筑上测试这种材料。 A company i