贯彻民主集中制原则 加强办公室自身建设

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在市委办公室的工作实践中,我们深深体会到:贯彻民主集中制原则,是加强办公室自身建设的重要措施和组织保证;只有充分发扬民主才能最大限度地调动办公室全体人员的积极性,才能当好党委的参谋和助手,为改革开放和两个文明建设贡献力量。近几年来,我们在工作中,始终注意贯彻党的民主集中制原则,取得了明显效果。 一、按照民主、公正的要求,配备好办公室人员。 办公室工作任务繁重,应有足够的领导力量和一支精干的秘书队伍。前一时期,由于市委办公室人员变动较大,秘书力量一时显得较为薄弱。为解决好这个问题,市委书记许书文同志明确指出:办公室队伍的建设必须充分体现民主集中制的要求,领导力量的配备要合理,要有利于提高工作效率;秘书人员的选拔既要公开、公正,又要精干、高效。按照这个精神,我们在领导力量的配备上,只设一正三副,不设虚职,不搞照顾。办公室主任由市委常委、秘书长兼任,下设一名常务副主任,主持办公室的日常工作; In the work practice of the Municipal Party Committee Office, we deeply realize that the implementation of the principle of democratic centralism is an important measure and organizational guarantee for strengthening the self-construction of the office. Only when we fully develop democracy can we maximize the enthusiasm of all the staff in the office, can we be good Party committees and assistants, for the reform and opening up and contribute to the building of two civilizations. In recent years, we have always paid attention to implementing the principle of democratic centralism by our party and have achieved remarkable results. First, in accordance with the requirements of democracy and fairness, with good office staff. Office work heavy workload, there should be sufficient leadership and a capable team of secretaries. In the previous period, due to the large changes in the personnel in the municipal office, the power of the secretary appeared temporarily weak. In order to solve this problem, Comrade Xu Shuwen, party secretary clearly pointed out: The construction of the office team must fully reflect the requirements of democratic centralism, the leadership should be equipped with a reasonable and conducive to improving work efficiency; the selection of secretary personnel should be open and fair, Also lean, efficient. According to this spirit, we only provide one positive, three vice presidents in the provision of leadership. The director of the office shall be concurrently appointed by the standing committee and secretary general of the municipal party committee and set up under the standing deputy director to preside over the routine work of the office.
【摘 要】新课标中明确要求教师充分注重小学生的阅读训练,培养其阅读能力和语感,并在阅读训练中有所感悟,以促进学生综合素质的发展。因此,教师应积极研究教学方法,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,提升学生学习积极性,培养学生主动学习的好习惯。通过对教学方法的不断完善,实现学生阅读水平和学习效果的提升。  【关键词】小学 语文教学 阅读训练  小学语文是一门基础性学科,阅读则是语文学习中的最基本训练,是学生必须