
来源 :信息化建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wang840911
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工业、农业、第三产业是国家的三大经济主体,而农业作为我国的第一产业,为工业的发展也做出了不可取代的贡献。但工业得发展是支持国家的中坚力量,工业的发展是判断一个国家综合实力和硬件设施的标准。在地球资源日益匮乏的今天,节能环保和可持续发展已经成为我国工业发展的一大方针,工民建施工主要从事住宅楼、商业厂房的一般建筑,是每个城市必不可少的。本文主要讲解在节能降耗下工民建施工的技术,分析目前我国工民建施工中存在资源的合理配置及不必要的资源过度损耗,通过合理科学利用风能、太阳能等自然资源以达到在未来工民建施工中的降低资源损耗,更有效的让工民建施工中人力物力财力得到合理配置,优化整个建筑施工配置,引导整个建筑业工民建施工技术在未来的发展领域中更加的科学和先进。 Industry, agriculture and tertiary industry are the three main economic entities of the country. As the primary industry in our country, agriculture has made an irreplaceable contribution to the development of industry. However, the development of industry is a key force that supports the country and the development of industry is the standard for judging the overall strength and hardware facilities of a country. In today’s increasingly scarce global resources, energy conservation and environmental protection and sustainable development have become a major principle of industrial development in our country. Workers and civil construction workers are mainly engaged in the general construction of residential buildings and commercial buildings and are indispensable in every city. This paper mainly explains the technology of civil construction under the condition of energy saving and consumption reduction and analyzes the reasonable allocation of resources and the unnecessary excessive loss of resources in the construction of civil works in our country so as to achieve the goal of using natural resources such as wind energy and solar energy in the future Workers in civil construction work to reduce the loss of resources, more effective workers and civilians to build the workforce material and financial resources to be rational allocation, optimize the entire building construction and configuration, and guide the entire construction industry construction technology in the future development of science and more scientific And advanced.
全国建设技术创新会议于 2 0 0 0年 12月 16日至 17日在北京召开。参加会议的代表有各省、自治区建设厅、直辖市建委、计划单列市建委分管科技领导和科技处处长 ,会议由建设
本文主要对新课标下小学语文作文教学展开了一番探讨,使得让学生的表达能力和写作创新能力可以得到提升,进而为学生后期学习生涯中高层次的写作奠定良好的基础。 This artic
我們於八月三日已開始了檔案工作的學習,茲將學習計劃及進行情况簡報如下: 在人民大學學習檔案工作的趙巨華同志回來後,將學習情况及中央秘書處曾處長的指示向領導上作了彙