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个人主义是资产阶毅思想的核心,它是以个人为中心的一种自私自利的剝削阶級思想。有资产阶级个人主义的人,总是把个人利益和革命的利益对立起来,总是把个人利益放在革命利益之上。当革命符合了个人利益时,就“积极”一下,当革命“触犯”了个人利益时,就思想不通。这种人如果不能认真地接受党的教育,提高觉悟,发展下去,必然对党的政策、路线发生怀疑、不满和动摇,对党产生离心离德的情緒,以至脱离党的路线,脫离党的領导,走上反党的道路。所以说个人主义和反党、反社会主义之間,并沒有一条不可逾越的鸿沟。历史上有好多人,就是因为严重的资产阶級个人主义沒有得到克服最后成为革命的叛徒与国家的罪犯而葬送了他們自己的。象在1957年的反右斗爭所揭发出来的右派分子中有一些人就是由于有严重的资产阶級个人主义,不肯脫胎摸骨地彻底改造,而逐漸堕落成为右派分子的。这次反对右傾机会主义的斗爭中,也揭露出极少数资产阶級个人主义思想极为严重的人,在民主革命阶段,由于党的政策还比較符合他們 Individualism is the core of asset-level ideology, which is an individual-centered, selfish and exploitative class ideology. People with bourgeois individualism always oppose the interests of the individual and the revolution and always place personal interests above the interests of the revolution. When the revolution is in the interests of the individual, it is “positive.” When the revolution “infringes upon” the interests of the individual, it can not be understood. If such people can not seriously accept the education of the Party, raise their awareness and develop, they will inevitably doubt, dissatisfaction and waver over the party’s policies and lines. They will give the party a sense of centrifugal de-esteem and even break away from the party’s line and from the party’s leadership Guide and embark on the path of opposing the party. Therefore, there is no impassable gap between individualism and anti-Party and anti-socialism. There have been many people in history who have ruined themselves because serious bourgeois individualism has not been overcome by overcoming the traitors who eventually became revolutionary and the criminals of the country. Like the rightists disclosed in the anti-rightist struggle of 1957, some of them were gradually degenerated into right-wing elements because of their serious bourgeois individualism and their unwillingness to thoroughly reform themselves. This struggle against Right opportunism also revealed that very few people with bourgeois individualism were extremely serious. During the period of democratic revolution, since the Party’s policies were more in line with them
伴随着中国科普事业的繁荣,西部及少数民族地区科技馆呈现蓬勃发展之势.西部及少数民族地区科技辅导员是联系科技馆与群众的桥梁,承担着科普展教 、科学辅导、科技培训、开展