
来源 :辽宁师专学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dufuyan
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“三个代表”的重要论述自发表以来 ,在全国引起强烈反响。它在国内外深刻背景下发表 ,具有伟大意义 :是我们党近 80年历史和世界社会主义运动历史经验的总结 ,从根本上回答了在充满希望和挑战的 2 1世纪 ,建设一个什么样的党和怎样建设党的问题 ,是全面加强党的建设的伟大纲领。从思想内涵上说 ,“三个代表”的论述是一个紧密联系的整体。在当代中国 ,三者有机地统一于党领导人民建设有中国特色社会主义伟大实践。始终做到“三个代表” ,是全党的共同任务 ,需要从多方面努力。各级党组织、各项工作都要体现“三个代表”的要求 Since the issuance of the important exposition of the “three represents,” it has aroused strong repercussions across the country. It is of great significance that it is published under the profound background at home and abroad. It is a summary of the past 80 years history of our party and the historical experience of the world socialist movement. It fundamentally answers the question of what kind of construction should one be built in the 21st century full of hope and challenge The issue of the party and how to build the party is a great program for comprehensively strengthening party building. From the ideological connotation, the discussion of “three represents” is a closely integrated whole. In contemporary China, the three are organically unified to lead the people in the party in building the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics. To always be “the three represents” is the common task of the entire party and requires efforts in many fields. Party organizations and work at all levels must reflect the requirements of the “three represents.”
中学生在学习数学时需具备一定的学习策略,即有目的地制定学习计划,把握学习技巧。因此,教师要优化教学方法,灵活地调控学习过程,从而强化学生的学习效果,提高他们学习数学的效率。但在实际教学中,中学生的身心发展还不成熟,对学习策略的运用能力还有待提高。因此,在教学过程中,教师需要强化指导,以促进学生综合发展。  一、指导方法,有效练习  对于初中生而言,身心发展尚不完善,自控能力欠缺,需要教师的有效指导
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