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作为六朝古都的北京,在很多古典皇家坛庙、皇家园林、帝王陵寝,以及古寺名刹等处,都有苍老遒劲、嵯峨挺拔的古柏。像中山公园(社稷坛)、劳动人民文化宫(太庙)、天坛、日坛、地坛、北海、景山、中南海、故宫的御花园、孔庙,以及颐和园、香山、八大处、十三陵等处的古柏群都是举 As the ancient capital of six dynasties in Beijing, in many classical royal altars, imperial gardens, imperial mausoleums, and ancient temples and temples, there are old, vigorous and tall and straight cypresses. Like the ancient parks of Zhongshan Park (Saihe altar), the Palace of the People’s Cultural Palace (Temple of the Sun), the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of Earth, the North Sea, Jingshan, Zhongnanhai, the Palace Garden of the Imperial Palace, the Confucius Temple, and the Summer Palace, Xiangshan, Badachu, the Ming Tombs, etc. Bai Qun is lifting
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【正】 On January 8th,2008 at the State Science & Technology Awards Conference held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing,four research achievements made b
各区县人民政府,市府各委办局,市各直属单位:市园林局拟定的《关于在南京市开展立体绿化工作的实施意见》经市政府同意,现转发给你们,请遵照执行。 People’s governments