
来源 :云南林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyq20061001
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10余年来在腾冲县古永林场对滇西地区云南松母树林的结实性能进行了试验研究。经观测和统计分析,结果表明:云南松优良林分经疏伐营建的母树林能够促进林木的生长发育,提高母树的结实量和种子品质。1993~1995年试验林的平均单株结实量和单位面积结实量分别是对照的39倍和135倍,1994年种子的发芽率和发芽势分别比对照高637%和202%;母树的结实性状较为稳定,个体间具一定程度的偏雌和偏雄现象,其单株结实量的频率分布呈对数正态分布〔LN(μ、σ2)〕,在母树林分中结实少的个体较多,而结实多的个体较少;一般隔2~3年出现一次大年,大小年间结实量差异极大,大年是小年的362倍;滇西地区产的云南松球果和种子相对较小,千粒重为13640g,有效产量为结实量的70%左右;现行良种价格已阻碍了良种的生产,据估算,较合理的价格为180元/kg左右,需尽快进行价格调整,以利于良种的推广和应用。 For more than 10 years in Tengchong County Yong Farm Yongnongxian Yunnan pine woods of the solid performance of the pilot study. The results of observation and statistical analysis showed that the planting of the fine forests of Pinus yunnanensis by thinning can promote the growth and development of the trees and improve the seed yield and seed quality of the trees. The average single plant density per unit area and the unit area of ​​the experimental forest from 1993 to 1995 were 39 times and 135 times that of the control respectively. In 1994, the germination rate and germination energy of the seeds were 637% and 20% higher than those of the control respectively  2%. The seed-bearing traits of the mother trees were relatively stable. The individuals had some degree of partial and partial male phenophases. The frequency distribution of single-firm seed mass showed a lognormal distribution [LN (μ, σ2) There are a few individuals with less sturdiness and a smaller number of sturdily individuals. Generally, a big year occurs every 2 to 3 years with a great difference between the years. The yield of Yunnan pine cones and seeds is relatively small, the grain weight of 13  640g, the effective yield of about 70% of the sturdy; the current breeding price has hindered the production of good varieties, it is estimated that a more reasonable price of 180 yuan / kg , The price adjustment needs to be carried out as soon as possible to facilitate the popularization and application of the seed.
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