Signal reconstruction in wireless sensor networks based on a cubature Kalman particle filter

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haidong711
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For solving the issues of the signal reconstruction of nonlinear non-Gaussian signals in wireless sensor networks(WSNs), a new signal reconstruction algorithm based on a cubature Kalman particle filter(CKPF) is proposed in this paper.We model the reconstruction signal first and then use the CKPF to estimate the signal. The CKPF uses a cubature Kalman filter(CKF) to generate the importance proposal distribution of the particle filter and integrates the latest observation, which can approximate the true posterior distribution better. It can improve the estimation accuracy. CKPF uses fewer cubature points than the unscented Kalman particle filter(UKPF) and has less computational overheads. Meanwhile, CKPF uses the square root of the error covariance for iterating and is more stable and accurate than the UKPF counterpart. Simulation results show that the algorithm can reconstruct the observed signals quickly and effectively, at the same time consuming less computational time and with more accuracy than the method based on UKPF. For solving the issues of the signal reconstruction of nonlinear non-Gaussian signals in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), a new signal reconstruction algorithm based on a cubature Kalman particle filter (CKPF) is proposed in this paper. We model the reconstruction signal first and then use the CKPF to estimate the signal. The CKPF uses a cubature Kalman filter (CKF) to generate the importance proposal distribution of the particle filter and integrates the latest observation, which can approximate the true posterior distribution better. . CKPF uses fewer squares feature points than the unscented Kalman particle filter (UKPF) and has less computational overheads. Meanwhile, CKPF uses the square root of the error covariance for iterating and is more stable and accurate than the UKPF counterpart. Simulation results show that the algorithm can reconstruct the observed signals quickly and effectively, at the same time consuming less computational time and with more accuracy than the method based on UKPF.
在巴黎,两次遇到了唐氏儿。一次是在听街头乐队演奏,无意瞟见旁边一个男子在像模像样地打拍子,一副指挥家的模样,可又没站在乐队前面。  我好奇,绕过去看看,是个30多岁的男子,一副唐氏儿典型的长相,再看,他背后站着个头发雪白的老人,一直慈爱地看着他,应该是他的父亲。  另一次,是在大学城附近的公园里,我在池塘边散步,遇到一对下五子棋的。  我没想到在国外也有人下五子棋,忍不住多看几眼,应该是父子吧,儿