The columnar light beam has a column-symmetric polarization distribution, and its unique light field distribution and focusing characteristics are widely used in the field of optical micromanipulation and optical imaging, etc., and are rapidly extended to subwavelength scales. Generally, the subwavelength scale focusing uses a plasma However, with the negative refractive effect of photonic crystals, not only sub-wavelength focusing or imaging can be realized, but also the orthogonal polarization state should be effectively applied at the same time. Ability of the one-dimensional metal photonic crystal structure, the calculated band structure and the equipotential curve shows that the negative refraction effect in a particular band of orthogonal polarization state at the same time effective on this basis, the design of one-dimensional metal photonic crystal column symmetry flat concave Mirror structure and simulated by the finite element method to simulate the sub-wavelength focusing of both radial and rotational polarization in the visible wavelength band.Further results show that changing the polarization components of the beam can directly and effectively adjust the spatial distribution of the coke field and Polarization Distribution Characteristics The proposed plano-concave mirror structure enables the sub-wavelength scale of the column vector beam of any polarization component Coke, and the design of the structure for each band where the reference has significance. The results of the small scale of the optical micro-manipulation of particles, super-resolution imaging and other related art have potential value.