Effects of the types of overlap on the mechanical properties of FSSW welded AZ series magnesium allo

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zk1311988
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The effects of the types of overlap on the mechanical properties of the friction stir spot welding(FSSW) welded AZ series magnesium alloy joints were investigated by microstructural observations,microhardness tests,and tensile tests.The results show that the micro-structure of the stir zone adjacent to the periphery of the rotating pin is mainly composed of the upper sheet.The average distance D between the longitudinal segment of the curved interface and the keyhole periphery,the tensile shear force,and the microhardness of the stir zone of the FSSW welded AZ61 alloy joint are the highest in all samples.During FSSW of AZ31 and AZ61 dissimilar magnesium alloys,the ir-regular deformation of the longitudinal segment of the curved interface appears,while the microhardness of the stir zone is higher when AZ61 alloy is the upper sheet.Moreover,the microhardness of the stir zone increases initially and then decreases sharply in the longitudinal test position. The effects of the types of overlap on the mechanical properties of the friction stir spot welding (FSSW) welded AZ series magnesium alloy joints were investigated by microstructural observations, microhardness tests, and tensile tests. The results show that the micro-structure of the stir zone adjacent to the periphery of the rotating pin is mainly composed of the upper sheet. the average distance D between the longitudinal segment of the curved interface and the keyhole periphery, the tensile shear force, and the microhardness of the stir zone of the FSS welded AZ61 alloy joint are the highest in all samples. Working FSSW of AZ31 and AZ61 dissimilar magnesium alloys, the ir-regular deformation of the longitudinal segment of the curved interface appears, while the microhardness of the stir zone is higher when AZ61 alloy is the upper sheet.Moreover, the microhardness of the stir zone increases initially and then decreases sharply in the longitudinal test position.
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