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姚迪雄是载誉国际画坛的画家,从小酷爱画画,最擅长画马题材。他在中国天马的产地伊犁长大。五六岁便被大人抱上马背玩耍,十二岁便会策马奔驰了。从那时起,广阔的草原上万马奔腾的壮观景象就深深扎根在了记忆里。初中时,姚迪雄得到一本美国画家著的《动物画技法》。在启蒙老师潘丁丁的指导下,他从临摩开始,走上了绘画的艺术之路。临摩使他对马的肌肉和骨骼有了系统了解。之后他在草原上牧马多年,画出了 Yao Di Xiong is a painter who is renowned in international painting circles. He grew up in Ili, the birthplace of China’s Pegasus. Five or six years old will be clinging to play on the adults, will be riding a horse at the age of twelve. From that moment on, the spectacular scenery on the vast steppe has taken root in the memory. In junior high school, Yao Dixiong got a “painting technique of animals” by American painters. Under the guidance of the enlightenment teacher, Pen Tintin, he started from Lin Mo and embarked on the art of painting. Linmo made him systematically aware of the muscles and bones of the horse. After that he had been grazing on the prairies for many years and painted
我国优秀的传统文化是中华民族智慧的结晶。如何继承和发扬我国优秀传统文化,并使之在当今新形势下继续发挥其积极作用。要求我们要努力在传统与现代之间建立一种联系,以创新精神让优秀传统文化在新的历史条件下得以继承和发展。  中国传统文化的核心是人学,其基本精神就是教导人们如何做人,如何成人。儒家文化和道家文化是中华民族的主流文化,他们所关心的都是人的发展、人的生活意义。现阶段,我国职业教育虽然得到了快速的