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假冒产品一直以来都是严重破坏市场秩序,损害品牌声誉,侵犯厂商权益,影响政府税收的一颗毒瘤。据不完全统计,中国年均制假产品的产值达到1300亿人民币,严重阻碍了我国市场经济的规范健康发展,以至于知识产权保护问题一直都是我国入世谈判中的难点和重点。 Counterfeit products have always been a malignant tumor that seriously damaged the market order, damaged the reputation of the brand, violated the rights and interests of manufacturers and affected the government revenue. According to incomplete statistics, the output value of annual manufactured counterfeit products in China has reached 130 billion yuan, which has seriously hampered the healthy and healthy development of the market economy in our country. As a result, the protection of intellectual property has always been a difficult and important point in our country’s WTO accession negotiations.
Further development of earthquake equipments is closely associated with that of computer technology. Because Embedded PC104 module has the equivalent functions
韩—薛—柯氏综合征(Hand—Schuller—Christian syndrome)是组织细胞增生症X(HistiocytosisX)中的一种类型,又称骨损害伴其它器官侵犯型。多发于幼儿,发病较慢。主要特征为
Piezoelectric transmission spectroelectrochemistry (PTSEC), i.e., the combination of electrochemistry and spectroelectrochemistry (SEC) with electrochemical qu
青岛市将承办十一运会的12个比赛项目,产生48枚金牌。为此共改造建设了10个比赛场馆和2个群众体育健身中心,其中新建场馆4个、维修改造场馆4个、备用场馆2个。 Qingdao City
目的标定第一批人凝血因子Ⅸ浓制剂国家标准品。方法用 WHO 96/854批人凝血因子Ⅸ国 际标准品标定我国人凝血因子Ⅸ国家标准品,再用此标准品作对照检测国内生产的冻干人凝血酶原复合物,
据有关信息,有如下各种冷挤压机,有对其及冷挤压工艺感兴趣者,请与中国兵器工业第五九研究所胡亚民联系。邮编630039 通信地址:重庆市2331信箱 According to the informati
Both processes of decarboxylation and decarbonylation of a number of acids including RCOCO2H,R=H,CH3,CH2F,CF3,CH=CH2,Ph,OH have been studied by semi-empirical