
来源 :南京医科大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xike68
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目的:了解南京市部分居民对癫痫间相关知识的了解程度及其对癫痫间患者的态度和行为,同时给予居民癫痫间相关知识的普及和指导。方法:采取分层整群抽样的方法对南京市区未患有癫痫间居民进行入户调查,并采取自愿原则填写“癫痫间知识、态度、行为”调查问卷。结果:本次共调查3 300位居民,有效问卷3 147份。99.5%的受访者听说过癫痫间,这其中有31.9%的人至少知道或认识1位患者,41.7%的人至少见过1次癫痫间患者发病;超过半数的的受访者(58.2%)否认或不清楚癫痫间可以治愈,5.0%的人认为癫痫间为传染性疾病,17.2%的人认为其为精神错乱;12.3%和84.1%的受访者分别反对其子女与患者接触和缔结婚姻关系;且认为癫痫间为精神错乱、传染性疾病或不清楚其是否为传染性疾病、不可治愈或不清楚是否可以治愈以及已婚是导致人们不愿意儿女与癫痫间患者接触或结婚的影响因素。结论:南京市居民对癫痫间有较高的认识,但对癫痫间的熟识程度及相关知识的了解程度影响人们对癫痫间患者的态度,所以应积极对该人群进行癫痫间的健康教育干预。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the degree of understanding about the knowledge about epilepsy among some residents in Nanjing City and their attitude and behavior to the patients with epilepsy, and to popularize and guide the related knowledge about residents with epilepsy. Methods: A stratified cluster sampling method was used to investigate the residents who did not suffer from epilepsy in Nanjing. The questionnaire was filled out voluntarily in the questionnaire “knowledge, attitude and behavior of epilepsy”. Results: A total of 3 300 residents were surveyed, with 3,147 valid questionnaires. 99.5% of the respondents had heard of epilepsy. Among them, 31.9% knew or knew at least one patient, 41.7% had at least one episode of epilepsy; more than half of the respondents (58.2 %) Deny or unclear epilepsy can be cured, 5.0% of people think epilepsy is an infectious disease, 17.2% of people think it is insanity; 12.3% and 84.1% of the respondents were opposed to their children and patients contact and Concluding marital relations; and believing that the epilepsy is delirious, contagious or unclear whether it is an infectious disease, incurable or unclear whether it is curable or not, and married people who are unwilling to contact or marry a patient with epilepsy Influencing factors. Conclusion: Nanjing residents have a higher awareness of epilepsy, but the level of familiarity with epilepsy and knowledge of the degree of understanding of people’s attitude toward epilepsy patients, it should be active in the crowd of epilepsy health education intervention.
<正> 膀胱肿瘤因其发病事高,且90%为移行细胞癌,故常做为泌尿系上皮细胞瘤的代表加以研究。又因该类瘤的致癌物已经鉴定和肯定,并做出了恒定的动物实验模型,因而也被用于癌的