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姬际可在中国形意六合拳的舞台上担任着重要的角色。就现有的相关文献来看,关于姬际可的生平事迹已有很多考证,许多问题都已经得到解决。但笔者在探究姬际可与形意六合拳的相关文献中,发现学术界对于其是否创立了形意六合拳以及其传人之说仍众说纷纭,尚未有肯定而明确之定论。通过文献资料、逻辑分析和实地考查等研究方法,以姬际可创形意六合拳及传承为研究对象,对姬际可籍贯、名、字、生卒年、创拳史及传人等问题做了新的考证,论证了形意六合拳确为姬际可所创立,且姬际可的传人并非最广为认可的曹继武。希望此论证能为有关姬际可的相关学术问题做出贡献。至于更深层次的研究,还待继续整理相关资料。 Ji Ji plays an important role on the stage of China’s intentional Liuhe boxing. On the existing relevant literature, there have been many studies on Ji Ji Ke’s life stories, and many problems have been solved. However, in the study of Ji Ji and Xing Yi Liu He Quan, the author finds that there is still no clear and definite conclusion about whether the academic circles founded the Liuhe boxing or his successor. Through literature, logical analysis and field test, this article takes Ji Jikuanguangyi and Lukaiquan as research objects, and makes a research on Ji Ji’s origin, name, character, date of birth and death, The new textual research demonstrates that the intention of Liuhe Quan was indeed founded by Ji Jike, and Ji Jike’s descendants are not the most widely accepted Cao Jiwu. Hope this argument can contribute to the relevant academic issues related to Ji Jike. As for the deeper research, but also to continue to organize the relevant information.
正巧课堂上,冬冬在偷偷地阅读刚发下来的报纸。老师发现了,问:“你为什么在上课时看报?”冬冬一本正经地说: “老师,我正巧发现一篇对我很有用的文章,题目叫《一心不能两用》
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介绍了目前世界规模最大的10 kV真型试验平台,该平台具有网架结构多态重构、接地方式灵活切换、试验场景一键顺控、多态故障灵活复现和多元负荷随机接入能力的特点,解决了配
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