四川省矿物岩石地球化学学会地球化学专业组,五月六日召开了《元素存在形式学术讨论会及地球化学委员会成立大会》的筹备会议。从目前已收到的论文(摘要)材料和考虑到成立地球化学委员会的需要,学术交流的内容仍以元素存在形式为主,但适当有所扩大。主要包括: 1.元素存在形式学术讨论方面:①元素赋存形式研究方法;②金、银、镍、锡、
On May 6, the Geochemical Specialist Group of Sichuan Institute of Geochemistry of Mineralogy held a preparatory meeting for the “Symposium on the Existence of Elemental Forms and the Inaugural Meeting of the Geochemical Committee”. Based on the dissertations (abstracts) material received so far and the need to establish geochemical committees, the content of academic exchanges is still predominantly in the form of elemental existence, but is appropriately expanded. Mainly include: 1. Element existential form Academic discussion: ① element existential research methods; ② gold, silver, nickel, tin,