
来源 :江苏交通 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kobe7751790
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1996年12月12日,江阴长江公路大桥建设协调领导小组第二次会议在南京召开。会议听取了江苏省交通厅长、省江阴长江公路大桥建设指挥部总指挥徐华强《关于江阴长江公路大桥建设情况》的汇报,对大桥建设中的重大问题进行了深入研究,江苏省委书记、领导小组组长陈焕友,交通部长、领导小组副组长黄镇东,江苏省常务副省长、领导小组副组长季允石出席会议并讲话,领导小组成员出席会议并发了言,江阴、靖江两市和省江阴长江公路大桥建设指挥部有关同志列席了会议。会议由陈焕友主持。如果说,1994年11月22日江阴大桥开工时的第一次会议确定了江阴大桥建设的指导思想和建设方针,那么,这 December 12, 1996, Jiangyin Yangtze River Bridge Construction Coordination Leading Group held its second meeting in Nanjing. The meeting listened to Xu Jiangqiang, director of the transportation department of Jiangsu Province and director of the Jiangyin Yangtze River Highway Bridge Construction Headquarters, and made an in-depth study on the major issues in the construction of the bridge. Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee Secretary, Chen Huanyou, leader of the leading group, Huang Zhendong, vice minister of communications and minister of communications, vice governor of Jiangsu Province, and Ji Yunyu, deputy leader of the leading group attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Leaders of the group attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Jiangyin and Jingjiang provinces and provinces Jiangyin Yangtze River Highway Bridge Construction Headquarters comrades attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Chen Huangyou. If we say that the first meeting of Jiangyin Bridge on November 22, 1994 started establishing the guiding ideology and construction guideline for the construction of Jiangyin Bridge, then this
用麦糠栽培平菇,成本低,经济效益高,省时省工。我们经过几年的大面积栽培实践,总结了一套高产栽培技术,现简介如下: (一)制备培养料 小麦脱粒后要及时收集麦糠,并曝晒1~2天,
Based on the ordering of fuzzy numbers proposed by Goetschel and Voxman,the representations and some properties of strongly preinvex fuzzy-valued function are d