再塑产权形式 深化两权分离——全民企业经营机制改革的思考

来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:compasion
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深化全民企业的改革,应在坚持社会主义全民所有制的前提下,注重再塑产权形式,理顺产权关系,创造竞争条件,促进企业经营机制再生出来,健全起来。再塑产权形式全民资产的产权形式怎么改革?我们设想,主要应在全民资产的产权与政府分开后,将所有权和经营权进一步向深层分解,并促其相互分离。即将全民资产的所有权分为终极所有权、价值形态所有权和实物形态所有权,将物质生产经营企业的经营权分为经营决策权、生产管理权和作业使用权。同时,实行全民资产终极所有权复合化,全民资产价值形态所有权企业化,企业资产价值形态所有权股份化,企业资产实物形态所有权一元化,企业资产经营权集中化,逐步建立起一种适应我国社会主义 To deepen the reform of all-people enterprises, under the premise of adhering to the socialist ownership system of the entire people, we must lay emphasis on reshaping the form of property rights, rationalizing property rights relations, creating competitive conditions, and promoting the rejuvenation and improvement of business management mechanisms. How to reform the form of property rights in the form of property rights in the form of re-shaping property rights? We assume that, after the property rights of the entire people’s assets are separated from the government, the ownership and management rights should be further broken down into deep layers and promoted separation. That is to say, ownership of all assets is divided into ultimate ownership, value form ownership, and physical form ownership, and the operating rights of the material production and operation enterprises are divided into business decision rights, production management rights, and job use rights. At the same time, we implemented the ultimate ownership compounding of all assets of the people, the ownership of the value of assets of all citizens, the ownership of corporate assets, the ownership of corporate assets in the form of a single entity, the centralized management of corporate asset rights, and the gradual establishment of an adaptation to China’s socialism.
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