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魚肉不但富有營養價值,同時因爲肉質鮮美,所以成为大衆嗜好的食品。可惜它容易腐敗,是其最大的缺點。這個原因主要由於魚體表面有很多粘液,此種粘液,在魚活着的時候對魚體外皮能起保護作用,但當魚死後和血液混合後便成为一種良好的細菌培養劑。魚類生存在水中時本來就有很多水中細菌(海水或淡水中都有)附着在魚體表面及鰓部與腸管內,當魚類一旦停止呼吸,這些細菌即迅速開始增殖,逐漸分解魚體筋肉,而使魚肉發生腐敗。此外魚體筋肉柔軟,水分含有量多(約佔75%),以及天然免疫素少,也是比一般陸產動物容易腐敗的原因。 魚肉的腐敗會減低食用價值,不僅在日常鮮食時感到不好,即在魚肉加工上亦有影響。魚肉加工的技術是和鮮度有關係的,鮮度鑑定不適當,任憑加工技術如何好,也不能得到優良風味的加工品。最明顯的例子,即是在鹽藏魚肉時,用鹽量的多寡,是隨魚 Fish meat is not only rich in nutritional value, but at the same time, because of its delicious meat, it has become a popular food. Unfortunately, it is prone to corruption and is its biggest drawback. This is mainly due to the fact that there is a lot of mucus on the surface of the fish. This mucus protects the skin of the fish when the fish is alive, but becomes a good bacterial culture agent when the fish dies after mixing with the blood. When fish live in water, there are already a lot of bacteria in the water (in seawater or fresh water) that attach to the surface of the fish and the gills and intestines. When the fish stops breathing, these bacteria quickly begin to multiply, gradually decomposing the muscles of the fish. Causes fish to spoil. In addition, fish muscles are soft, water content is high (approximately 75%), and natural immunoglobulin is less, which is also the reason that common terrestrial animals are more likely to be corrupt. Corruption of fish meat will reduce the value of food. Not only does it feel bad during daily fresh food, it also has an effect on fish processing. The processing technology of fish meat is related to freshness, and the freshness identification is not appropriate. Even if the processing technology is good, the processed product with excellent flavor cannot be obtained. The most obvious example is when salt fish is used, the amount of salt used is
克山病是我国北方若干省分在冬季流行的严重危害人民的地方病。为了帮助大家同这种病作斗争,我们发表了“克山病”一文。 Keshan disease is an endemic disease that serio
南陵县仙坊乡的全体公办小学教师,在中心小学校长统一领导下对全乡十五所民办小学的业务进行了具体辅导,他们的做法有以下几点:一、划片包干,就近辅导。全 All the public prima
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