地处三峡库区腹心、在全国一百四十多家卷烟生产企业中名不见经传的涪陵卷烟厂,呈现在世人面前的是: 生产经营形势明显好转,产品供不应求,一扫过去门可罗雀的惨淡景象。厂容厂貌焕然一新,生产管理井然有序,产品质量稳中有升;广大职工干劲冲天,“创新、攀高、争名、夺利”的企业精神充分体现;职工经济收入比前年同期翻一番,居涪陵地区众多企业之冠。去年一至十月,全厂实现产值10593万元,同比增长1.14倍;生产卷烟75194箱,完成销售收入23511万元,同比增长4.03倍;利税总额首次突破1亿元。产品行销全
Located in the heart of the Three Gorges Reservoir area and among the more than one hundred and forty cigarette manufacturers across the country, the unnamed Fuling Cigarette Factory presents itself in front of the world as follows: The production and operation situation has clearly improved and the demand for products has exceeded demand. . The appearance of the factory has a new look, the production management is in order, and the product quality is steadily rising. The employees are energetically working and the enterprise spirit of “innovation, climbing, striving for fame and profit” is fully reflected; the employee’s economic income is turned over from the same period of the previous year. On a grand scale, it ranks among the top companies in the Fuling area. From January to October last year, the entire plant achieved an output value of 105.93 million yuan, an increase of 1.14 times year-on-year; 75194 cigarette boxes were produced, and the sales revenue was 235.11 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.03 times; the total profits and taxes exceeded 100 million yuan for the first time. Product marketing