“Enthusiastic” Guangzhou In June, Guangzhou was very hot and the newly arrived Northerners were easily “scalded” by the “passion” here. Qi Qiang series of ads start shooting the day just happened here in 53 consecutive years the highest temperature, we also clearly felt its hot flashes: come out from the hotel, the glasses immediately wet: put the camera, a blurred camera; Change the clothes a few days also can not penetrate the old back carrying the heat ... ... Leak missed even the rain. Guangzhou rare limit in the days of high temperatures up more, so that the generator can only guarantee the normal shooting, sunstroke cooling can only rely on their own body to deal with. The result is: Long Jian mouth cracked swollen face, director Zhu Zhu cold and even a dumb throat, drug-like “Wong Lo Kat” drink at the scene was “robbed” light.