今年上海的夏天并不热,而这个不热的夏天里,却有着许多热点:甲A、女足、法轮功……相信有心的上海人会说,还有上海博物馆的大英博物馆藏品展。在一个多月的展览期间,每天的游客络绎不绝,甚至还在博物馆的门口排起了长长的队伍。艺术的魅力可见一斑。 从文学到服饰,从音乐、表演到美术、雕刻,艺术几乎涵盖了生活的一切。从古至今,在缪斯的圣殿里,一批又一批的人们向她俯首膜拜,“美”的真谛让我们孜孜不倦的学习,又坚持自己独特的见解,于是有了毕加索、凡高、高更、八大山人……美的突破和自我的坚持,让后人在流逝的时间里了解了他们。也许,只有艺术的美和美的艺术才能面对强大的时间和空间而立于不败之地。
This summer in Shanghai is not hot, but there are so many hot spots in this hot summer: A, Women’s and Falun Gong. Believing Shanghai people will say there is also the exhibition of the British Museum in the Shanghai Museum. During more than a month of exhibitions, there are an endless stream of tourists and even long queue at the entrance to the museum. The charm of art is evident. From literature to costumes, from music, performance to art, sculpture, art covers almost everything in life. Since ancient times, in the muse’s temple, after another group of people bow to her worship, “beauty” the true meaning of our tireless study, but also adhere to their own unique views, so with the Picasso, van Gogh, Gauguin, Bada Shanren ... ... the United States breakthroughs and self-perseverance, so future generations in the passage of time to understand them. Perhaps only the art of beauty and beauty of art can be invincible in the face of strong time and space.