Correlations for the ignition delay times of hydrogen/air mixtures

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zlbqnsd
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Correlations for the ignition delay times of hydrogen/air mixtures were developed using the method of High Dimensional Model Representation (HDMR).The hydrogen/air ignition delay times for initial conditions over a wide range of temperatures from 800 to 1600 K,pressures from 0.1 to 100 atm,and equivalence ratios from 0.2 to 10 were first calculated utilizing the full chemical mechanism.Correlations were then developed based on these ignition delay times.Two forms of correlations were constructed:the first one is an overall general model covering the whole range of the initial conditions;while the second one is a piecewise correlation model valid for initial conditions within different sub-domains.The performance of these correlations was studied through comparison with results from the full chemical mechanism as well as experimental data.It was shown that these correlations work well over the whole range of initial conditions and that the accuracy can be significantly improved by using different piecewise correlations for different sub-domains.Therefore,piecewise correlations can be used as an effective replacement for the full mechanism when the prediction of chemical time scale is needed in certain combustion modeling. Correlations for the ignition delay times of hydrogen / air mixtures were developed using the method of High Dimensional Model Representation (HDMR). The hydrogen / air ignition delay times for initial conditions over a wide range of temperatures from 800 to 1600 K, pressures from 0.1 to 100 atm, and equivalence ratios from 0.2 to 10 were first developed utilizing the full chemical mechanism. Correlations were then developed based on these ignition delay times. Two forms of correlations were constructed: the first one is an overall general model covering the whole range of the initial conditions; while the second one is a piecewise correlation model valid for initial conditions within different sub-domains. the performance of these correlations was studied through the full with chemical mechanism as well as experimental data. It was shown that these correlations work well over the whole range of initial conditions and that the accuracy can be significantly improved by using different piecewise correlations for different sub-domains.Therefore, piecewise correlations can be used as an effective replacement for the full mechanism when the prediction of chemical time scale is needed in certain combustion modeling.
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