Coupled Aeroelastic Oscillations of a Turbine Blade Row in 3D Transonic Flow

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:delphi_quaker
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This paper presents the mutual time - marching method to predict the aeroelastic stability of an oscillating blade row in 3D transonic flow. The ideal gas flow through a blade row is governed by the time dependent Euler equations in conservative form which are integrated by using the explicit monotonous second order accurate Godunov-Kolgan finite volume scheme and moving hybrid H-O grid. The structure analysis uses the modal approach and 3D finite element dynamic model of blade. The blade movement is assumed as a linear combination of the first modes of blade natural oscillations with the modal coefficients depending on time. To demonstrate the capability and correctness of the method, two experimentally investigated test cases have been selected, in which the blades had performed tuned harmonic bending or torsional vibrations (The lst and 4kyhstandard configurations of the “Workshop on Aeroelasticity in Turbomacbines” by Bolcs and Fransson, 1986). The calculated results of aeroelastic behaviour of the blade row (4th standard configuration), are presented over a wide frequency range under different start regimes of interblade phase angle. This paper presents the mutual time - marching method to predict the aeroelastic stability of an oscillating blade row in 3D transonic flow. The ideal gas flow through a blade row is governed by the time dependent Euler equations in conservative form which are integrated by using the explicit monotonous second order accurate Godunov-Kolgan finite volume scheme and moving hybrid HO grid. The structure analysis uses the modal approach and 3D finite element dynamic model of blade. The blade movement is assumes as a linear combination of the first modes of blade natural oscillations with the modal coefficients depending on time. To demonstrate the capability and correctness of the method, two experimentally investigated test cases have been selected, in which the blades had performed tuned harmonic bending or torsional vibrations (The lst and 4kyhstandard configurations of the “Workshop on Aeroelasticity in Turbomacbines ”by Bolcs and Fransson, 1986). The calculated results of aeroelastic behavior of the blade row (4th standard configuration), are presented over a wide frequency range under different start regimes of interblade phase angle.
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