Bioaccumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls in prawns and a mud crab from mixed-aquaculture ponds

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luwei2431231
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The bioaccumulation of ten polychlorinated biphenyl(PCB) congeners was investigated within different tissues in three prawns(Penaeusorientalis Kishinouce,Laomedia astacina de Haan and P enaeus vannamei Boone) and one mud crab(Scylla serrata Forsskal) from mixed-aquaculture ponds in Taizhou in April 2007.The average concentrations(wet mass) of PCBs in muscle,head,and rind tissues for mean among these prawn species were 7.04,21.16,and 11.47 ng/g,respectively.The average concentrations of PCBs in muscle,branchia,and spawn in Scylla serrata were 6.49,21.13,and 19.76 ng/g,respectively.The concentrations of CB28 were the highest in prawn tissues(2.40 ng/g),and accounted for 18.60% of PCBs.The concentration of CB52 was the lowest.The application of principal component analysis(PCA) for the estimation of PCB sources of contamination resulted in first component main contributions of CB101,CB153 and CB28 in the muscle,head,and rind in combined prawn samples,respectively.The enrichment level of PCBs for different tissues varied greatly.The accumulation coefficient of PCBs in prawn muscle,head,and rind tissues were 396.35,1 191.79,and 645.91,respectively.For the Scylla serrata,the accumulation coefficients were 365.81,1 190.50,and 1 113.31 for muscle,branchia,and spawn tissues,respectively.For prawns,the accumulation coefficient of CB153 was the highest in muscle tissues,while CB155 had the highest coefficients in the head and rind tissues.The CB155 coefficient was the highest in spawn tissues of the mud crab. The bioaccumulation of ten polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners was investigated within different tissues in three prawns (Penaeus orientalis Kishinouce, Laomedia astacina de Haan and P enaeus vannamei Boone) and one mud crab (Scylla serrata Forsskal) from mixed-aquaculture ponds in Taizhou in April 2007.The average concentrations of PCBs in muscle, head, and rind tissues for mean among these prawn species were 7.04, 21.16, and 11.47 ng / g, respectively. The average concentrations of PCBs in muscle, branchia, and spawn in Scylla serrata were 6.49, 21.13, and 19.76 ng / g, respectively. These concentrations of CB28 were the highest in prawn tissues (2.40 ng / g), and accounted for 18.60% of PCBs. application of principal component analysis (PCA) for the estimation of PCB sources of contamination resulted in first component main contributions of CB101, CB153 and CB28 in the muscle, head, and rind in combined prawn samples, respectively. The enrichment level of P CBs for different tissues varied greatly. The accumulation coefficient of PCBs in prawn muscle, head, and rind tissues were 396.35, 191.79, and 645.91, respectively. For the Scylla serrata, the accumulation coefficients were 365.81, 190.50, and 1 113.31 for muscle, branchia, and spawn tissues, respectively. For prawns, the accumulation coefficient of CB153 was the highest in muscle tissues, while CB155 had the highest coefficients in the head and rind tissues. The CB155 coefficient was the highest in spawn tissues of the mud crab.
非洲的撒哈拉大沙漠在成为沙漠以前,土地肥沃,水分充足,是各种植物生长的天堂。在这些植物中,不乏一些高大的树木,它们以其发达的根系和硕大的树冠,占尽了生长的优势,成了这片土地的“霸主”。在那个时候,在那个生长环境里,这些树木或鲜花盛开,或枝繁叶茂,尽情展露着自己迷人的外表。  后来,由于众所周知的原因,地球上的环境变得恶劣起来,撒哈拉大沙漠所在的地区难逃厄运,也开始变得干旱。渐渐地,风沙成了这里的常
台湾著名作家,斯坦福大学企业管理硕士,他在很多领域都有自己的建树。  问及为何总是如此精力充沛且保持斗志的原因,他的回答是:“我做的事,没一件是有把握的。”  从小学到中学,我从未当过学生干部,也觉得自己不是那块料。可是进入大学后,我被选为学生议会的议员。这是我承担的最没把握的工作,我觉得自己肯定会干得一团糟。可是,做起来,却没有想象中的那么生疏和困难。当我因为表现突出被提升为学生议长后,我有一种