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法院判决因无法执行而成一纸空文,且这种现象在全国范围内有蔓延趋势,这不能不说是一个危险的信号。当一个权力体系中本来应最具权威的机构都在逐步丧失权威时,良性、理性的社会秩序将是一个遥远的梦想。一方面,我们需要追问这些权威机构权威丧失的原由,另一方面,设立专门的执行机构也不失为迅速加强权威的应急之策。当然,从长远看,我们仍然需要充分了解权力体系的“空洞”何在?否则,再多的“权威”加进去,也仍然会在不知不觉中从“空洞”流失掉。这样的问题,不仅是法院在面对,许许多多的权力机关都在面对。 李杰先生在给编者的信中说.他是《南风窗》的忠实读者。本刊今年4月号曾重登了最高人民法院院长肖扬1989年给本刊写的一篇文章(肖扬时任广东省检察院检察长),文中提到当年广东省检察院率先成立“反贪污贿赂局”,后来这一做法推广到全国。有感于此,李杰先生特意将这封给肖扬院长的建议信托本刊转达。 This can not but be regarded as a dangerous signal because the court judgment is rendered deadly by its inability to be enforced and there is a trend of spreading this phenomenon throughout the country. When the institutions that should have the most authority in a power system gradually lose their authority, a benign and rational social order will be a distant dream. On the one hand, we need to ask the reasons for the loss of authority of these authorities. On the other hand, setting up a special implementing agency can be a quick solution to an authoritative emergency. Of course, in the long run, we still need to fully understand what the “hollowness” of the power system is? Otherwise, more “authority” will still be unwittingly lost from the “hole.” Such a problem is not only faced by the courts, but also by so many organs of power. Mr. Li Jie said in a letter to the editor that he is a loyal reader of the “South Wind Window.” In April this year, the magazine once again re-entered the Supreme People’s Court President Xiao Yang in 1989 to write an article (Xiao Yang, then procurator of Guangdong Provincial Procuratorate), the article mentioned that the Guangdong Provincial Procuratorate was the first to set up “anti-corruption bribery Bureau ”, then this approach to promote the country. In this sense, Mr. Li Jie deliberately transmitted this letter to Dean Xiao Yang’s proposed trust.
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