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教学过程的优化主要体现于:单位时间内知识和思维活动的合理容量;根据学生的认知规律和心理、生理特征进行的教学活动具有明显的实效性;结构严谨,气氛活跃,正确处理教学关系。 教学过程的优化应包括教学内容、教学方法和手段、教学结构和层次等方面,正确把握教材则是教学过程优化的关键。 把握教材应包括如何使知识结构和学生的认知结构相结合;教与学、知识与能力、智力因素与非智力因素诸方面和谐发展;正确制订教学目标;确定重点和难点,同时还要考虑进行思维训练的各项因素。 1.分析教材时要掌握教学内容的承启关系,找准知识的生长点和连接点,使之形成网络,帮助学生形成良好的认知结构。如教学“比”的知识时。可由复习旧知引入两个同类量的比。如:“一块长方形木板的长是3分米,宽是2分米,长是宽的几倍?”学生马上列式:3÷2=1 1/2。说明比较的结果是:长是宽的1 1/2倍。再提 The optimization of teaching process is mainly reflected in: the reasonable capacity of knowledge and thinking activities per unit time; teaching activities based on students' cognitive rules and psychological and physiological characteristics have obvious practical effects; the structure is rigorous and the atmosphere is active; and the teaching relationship . Teaching process optimization should include teaching content, teaching methods and means, teaching structure and level, etc., the correct grasp of the teaching material is the key to teaching process optimization. Grasp the textbook should include how to make the combination of knowledge structure and students' cognitive structure; teaching and learning, knowledge and ability, intellectual and non-intellectual factors in all aspects of harmonious development; correctly set teaching goals; to determine the key and difficult, but also consider The factors of thinking training. 1. Analysis of teaching materials to master the bearing relationship between the teaching content, identify the growing point of knowledge and connection points, to form a network to help students form a good cognitive structure. Such as teaching “than” knowledge. By the review of the old introduction of two similar amount ratio. Such as: “The length of a rectangular plank is 3 meters, width is 2 decimeter, the length is a few times wide?” Students immediately formula: 3 ÷ 2 = 1 1/2. Description of the results of the comparison is: 1 1/2 times the length is wide. Mention again
马里奥·卡佩基是美国人,30岁的时候进入美国犹他大学当教师。很快,卡佩基就成为师生们议论的焦点。为什么大家如此关注一个新来的教师呢?因为这个年轻人有一个很有意思的 M
按高一化学第四章介绍的方法演示 Na_2O_2与H_2O 的反应,由于反应激烈,致使用带火星的木条检验氧气放出的操作显得十分仓促。为此,我们对该实验进行了改进,操作装置如下图1;
201 1年12月20日,新疆维吾尔自治区召开“十二五”全民科学素质工作动员大会。新疆维吾尔自治区党委副书记、自治区主席努尔·白克力在会上要求各地、各部门深刻认识和准确把