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Mathematical modelling of cellular metabolism plays an important role in understanding biological functions and providing identification of targets for biotechn
In the past two decades,many statistical depth functions seemed as powerful exploratory and inferential tools for multivariate data analysis have been presented
This paper formulates and analyzes a line search method for general nonlinear equality constrained optimization based on filter methods for step acceptance and
Carvalho,Lucchesi and Murty proved that any 1-extendable graph G different from K2 and C2n has at least △(G)edge-disjoint removable ears,and any brick G distin
The annual mean temperature and other 10 climatic factors were selected as the main factors for comparison by using the method of Euclidea
美国人玩金融可謂玩到家了。7月21日,纽约州橄榄球队水牛城比尔队的四分卫EJ·曼纽尔宣布把自己IPO,共发行52.37万股,每股10美元。虽然数额比起上市公司来微不足道,但仍然赚足了眼球。把体育明星变成股票确实是个新鲜事。这次上市的幕后推手是美国Fantex公司,这已经是该公司推出的第二个成功上市的明星了。  Fantex公司成立于2012年,总部位于美国旧金山。公司创始人兼首席执行官巴克·弗伦奇
A new simple piecewise linear map of the plane is presented and analyzed,then a detailed study of its dynamical behaviour is described,along with some other dyn
This paper proves a Filippov type existence theorem for solutions of a boundary value problem for a Sturm-Liouville type differential inclusion defined by a non