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今年以来尤其是下半年以来广西电网公司认清形势,统一思想,抓住机遇,乘势而上,以科学的发展观为实现广西“三突破”,做好电力支撑。 2004年8月29日,全区市委书记、市长工作会议一结束,广西电网公司总经理曲曙就迅速把会议精神传达到公司基层,要求25000名电力职工提高认识,坚定信心;各单位加强领导,精心组织;明确责任,齐抓共管;制定措施,狠抓落实;改变作风,真抓实干,落实激励机制,奖优罚劣,全力支撑广西经济发展“三突破”。今年以来,广西电网公司采取外协支援、内挖潜力、加强电力需求侧管理三大举措,千方百计做好电力供应工作。在全区发电量仅增长3%的情况下,购进区外电量达83亿千瓦时,同比增长53%,使全社会用电量增长10%,支撑了广西GDP、财政收入、规模以上工业产值快速增长。与去年同比,今 Since the beginning of this year, especially since the second half of this year, Guangxi Power Grid Corporation has clearly understood the situation, unifies its thinking, seizes the opportunity and takes advantage of the momentum to realize Guangxi’s “three breakthroughs” in a scientific outlook on development so as to make good use of the power support. August 29, 2004, the district party secretary, mayor work conference is over, Qu Guang, general manager of Guangxi Power Grid Corporation to quickly convey the spirit of the grass-roots level to require 25,000 electric workers to raise awareness and confidence; all units to strengthen Leadership and well-organized; clear responsibilities, make concerted efforts; formulate measures, pay close attention to implementation; change style, work hard, implement the incentive mechanism, reward good and punish bad, and fully support Guangxi’s economic development “three breakthroughs.” Since the beginning of this year, Guangxi Power Grid Corporation has taken the three major measures of outsourcing support, tapping potential and strengthening DSM. They do everything possible to provide electricity supply. In the region only 3% increase in electricity generation, the purchase of electricity outside the area reached 8.3 billion kwh, an increase of 53%, so that the whole society electricity consumption increased by 10%, supporting Guangxi GDP, fiscal revenue, large-scale industrial Rapid growth of output value. Compared with last year, today
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