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中央人民政府政务院公布了关于开展冬季农业生产工作的指示,确定了冬季生产在当前全部工作中的地位,明确指出了必须立即执行的具体任务,和完成任务的方法。这是提到农业生产战线上的一个战斗布置,各级人民政府和全体农村工作同志,必须十分地重视这一指示,切实执行这一指示。过去,人们往往认为冬季是农村中一切农事停止的季节。其实,我国有些地万,例如江南亚热带区,农民在冬季本来就是不闲的;另有些 The Central People’s Government’s State Council released its instructions on carrying out winter agricultural work, identified the status of winter production in all its current work, clearly identified specific tasks that must be implemented immediately, and ways to accomplish the task. This refers to a combat arrangement on the frontline of agricultural production. People’s governments at all levels and all rural working comrades must attach great importance to this directive and earnestly implement this directive. In the past, people often regarded winter as the season when all farming in rural areas stopped. In fact, there are some places in our country, such as the subtropical south of the Yangtze River, where peasants were already quite free in winter. Others
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