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要使原产于热带和亚热带地区的观叶植物在冬季保持叶片翠绿,生机盎然,应做到以下几点:一、保暖防冻不同观叶植物的越冬最低温度要求各不相同,差异较大,同类不同品种的抗寒能力亦有明显不同。所以要根据地区、植物种类和品种的不同,进行分批、分类入室越冬。保暖防冻,是观叶植物安全越冬的一项重要养护工作。根据观叶植物对越冬温度的不同要求,笔者认为可以分为四类,分别采取不同的保暖防冻措施。第一类,越冬温度不能低于5℃的观叶植物,如天门冬、花叶常春藤、鹅掌柴、八角金盘、花叶如意、海芋、冷水花、蒲葵等。这些植物具有一定的抗寒能力,能在一般的防寒设施下安全越冬,也可入单层塑料大棚或一般的温室。第二类,不能低于8℃的观叶植物,如燕子掌、虎耳草、玉皇帝、鱼尾葵、佛肚竹、红鸟巢蕨等。有一定的抗寒能力,但最寒冷时应在大棚或室内再加盖一层塑料薄膜。第三类,不能低于10℃的观叶植物,如文竹、吊兰、豆瓣绿、花叶芋、红羽竹芋、绿萝、香龙血树、南洋杉、富贵竹等。一入冬即应置于二层塑料大棚或加 To make the foliage plants native to the tropics and subtropics keep their leaves green and full of vitality in winter, the following points should be achieved: 1. Warm and frost resistance The minimum winter wintering temperatures of different foliage plants vary widely and vary greatly, The same type of different varieties of cold resistance are also significantly different. Therefore, according to the region, plant species and varieties of different batches, classification into the winter. Warm frost, foliage plants is an important winter maintenance of conservation work. According to different requirements of foliage plants on overwintering temperature, the author thinks that they can be divided into four categories, and take different measures of warm-keeping and freezing-thawing respectively. The first category, the winter temperature of not less than 5 ℃ foliage plants, such as Asparagus, ivy ivy, Scheffia, octagonal gold plate, Mood wishful, Alocasia, Lengshuai, Pachia and so on. These plants have a certain degree of cold resistance, winter cold in general facilities can be safe, but also into a single plastic greenhouse or greenhouse. The second category, can not be less than 8 ℃ foliage plants, such as the swallow palm, saxifrage, jade emperor, fish tail Kwai, Buddha belly bamboo, red nest nest Fern. A certain degree of cold ability, but the coldest or indoor should be covered with a plastic film. The third category, can not be less than 10 ℃ foliage plants, such as the text bamboo, Chlorophytum, watercress, taro, red plum arrowroot, green radish, incense dragon tree, Araucaria, rich bamboo and so on. A winter or two should be placed in plastic shed or Canada
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