Coverage of coherent output states in parallel-coupled dual-racetrack microresonators

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Parallel-coupled dual-racetrack silicon microresonators can potentially be used for quadrature amplitude modulation. We analyze the evolution of the coverage of coherent output states of devices with varying device parameters. As the coupling constant increases, the coverage of coherent states initially improves then degrades, which is unexpected based on a prior preference for overcoupling. Increasing the quality factor generally improves the coverage. The influence of the refractive index modulation is found to saturate after reaching a certain level. Analytic formulas are developed to provide insight into the coverage evolution. These results are fairly robust against a small asymmetry of device parameters.
为了研究液体中所吸收的强辐射的分布情况,美帝国家标准局已研制成一种以全息照相干涉量度学为基础的技术。干涉条纹记录了温度由1 ℃升高到10 ℃而引起的液体的折射率的变化,温度的升高是由于吸收了电子。
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Recently, the perfect vector (PV) beam has sparked considerable interest because its radius is independent of the topological charge (TC), which has demonstrated special capabilities in optical manipulation, microscopy imaging, and laser micromachining. P
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在大反演范围内, 小波正则化反演(WRIM)是一种改进动态光散射(DLS)数据反演精度的有效方法, 但该方法对强噪声及双峰颗粒数据的反演精度偏低。在WRIM基础上, 结合传统的单尺度Tikhonov、 截断奇异值分解(TSVD)正则化在动态光散射反演中的优点, 提出了一种Tikhonov-TSVD-WRIM(TTWRIM)多尺度动态光散射反演方法。该方法首先将Tikhonov用于粗尺度反演范围的自适应调整, 然后将TSVD用于细尺度反演, 并对反演结果进行五点三次平滑处理。在0.001、0.005及0.0
A pulsed current is introduced into the traditional coaxial laser cladding process to decrease the porosity of the cladding layer. The magneto contraction force caused by pulsed current exerted on the molten pool squeezes the gas out and compensates the s