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在近日召开的中纪委三次全会上,胡锦涛总书记向全党严肃而鲜明地提出了大力弘扬求真务实精神、大兴求真务实之风的问题,语重心长,发人深省,针对性极强。思想是行动的先导。当前,从国际国内形势来看,对我们在党的路线指引下全面建设小康社会、推进民族复兴伟业十分有利。闪此,各级领导干部和广大人民群众加快发展的积极性很高。胡锦涛同志指出,越是形势好、对我们有利的时候,越要坚持求真务实,保持清醒头脑,坚持好的工作作风,教育引导大家把加快发展的立足点放在求真务实、真抓实干上。他在肯定党的作风建设成绩的同时,列举了在坚持求真务实方面存在的十个方面的突出问题,切中时弊,击中要害,由此深刻阐明了弘扬求真务实精神、大兴求真务实之风的现实必要性和重大意义,非常及时,抓住了党的作风建设的根本。组织部门作为党委管党员管干部的职能部门,在贯彻落实胡锦涛同志关于弘扬求真务实精神、 At the Third Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection held recently, General Secretary Hu Jintao solemnly and clearly proposed to the entire party the issue of vigorously carrying forward the spirit of seeking truth and being pragmatic and vigorously pursuing a pragmatic style of pragmatism. Thought is the precursor of action. At present, judging from the international and domestic situations, it is very favorable to building the well-off society in an all-round way and promoting the great cause of national rejuvenation under the guidance of the party’s line. On this occasion, the enthusiasm of leading cadres at various levels and the broad masses of people in accelerating their development has been very high. Comrade Hu Jintao pointed out: The more the situation is favorable and the better for us, the more we must uphold truth-seeking and pragmatic, maintain a clear-headed mind and adhere to a good working style. Education guides everyone to take a foothold in accelerating development as a pragmatic and pragmatic approach. on. While affirming the party’s achievements in building the party’s style of work, he cited the prominent problems in ten aspects of persisting in seeking truth and being pragmatic, cut the current hurdles and hit the key points, which profoundly expounded the principle of seeking truth and being pragmatic and profoundly seeking truth and being pragmatic The necessity and significance of the style of the wind were very timely and seized the foundation of the party’s style construction. As the functional department of the Party committee and party member in charge of management of cadres, the organizational department, in carrying out the principle of seeking truth and being pragmatic about President Hu Jintao,
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中共中央军委副主席徐才厚中国共产党第十六届中央委员会第四次全体会议决定: 胡锦涛同志任中共中央军事委员会主席; 徐才厚同志任中共中央军事委员会副主席,增补陈炳德、乔