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情绪预测是指人们对未来某件事情作出预测时的情绪反应,人们在预测自己对于一件事情的情绪状态时,往往会高估情绪的强度和持续时间,这意味着预测之前的情绪反应程度要高于人们真实的情绪体验,即影响偏差。本研究主要为了探讨思维模式对于情绪预测偏差的影响,通过控制选择与预测的前后顺序使人们产生两种不同的思维模式——审慎的思维模式和工具性思维模式。实验采用的是组间设计,共设置了三种实验条件,分别是选择后预测、选择前预测和实际体验,结果表明选择后的情绪预测的愉快程度显著高于选择前预测的结果以及人们的真实体验,从而证明两种思维模式对情绪预测偏差有显著的影响,工具性思维模式下的情绪预测偏差比审慎性思维模式的情绪预测偏差要高。 Emotional prediction refers to the emotional reaction when people make a prediction about something in the future. When people predict their emotional state for one thing, they tend to overestimate the intensity and duration of emotion, which means that the degree of emotional reaction before prediction To be higher than the true emotional experience of people, that is, deviations. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of thinking patterns on the prediction of bias in emotions. By controlling the sequence of choices and predictions, two different modes of thinking emerge: cautious mode of thinking and instrumental mode of thinking. The experiments were conducted using inter-group design and three experimental conditions were set up, which were post-selection prediction, pre-selection prediction and actual experience respectively. The results showed that the post-selection happiness was significantly higher than that of pre-selection and people Real experience, which proves that the two modes of thinking have a significant impact on the bias of the emotion prediction. The deviation of the emotion prediction in the instrumental mode of thinking is higher than that of the cautious mode of thinking.
目的运用氢质子磁共振波谱(ProtonMagneticResonanceSpectroscopic,1HMRS)检测,探讨健康成人脑桥的代谢物浓度变化规律。方法 80个健康中国成人,年龄21到60岁,分成四组,每组包
目的根据欧洲药典质量标准,优化测定牛蒡子Arctii Fructus中牛蒡苷的HPLC方法。方法牛蒡子甲醇提取液的分析在YMC-Triart C(18)色谱柱(4 mm&#215;250 mm,5μm)上进行;流动相为乙