Evolving pattern and improvement path of China ' s solid waste management policies

来源 :中国人口·资源与环境(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qishanf
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Systematically sorting out the evolving pattern of solid waste management policies and studying the key points and development trends of solid waste management policies are conducive to the clarification of im-provement path of solid waste management policies. Based on the promulgated solid waste management poli-cies, this study applies statistical methods to the analysis of the text structure and contents of the solid waste management policies, attempting to find out the internal evolving pattern of the solid waste management poli-cies in China. Closely integrating the current policy requirements for the construction of\'waste-free city \' , this study puts forward a policy optimization and improvement path. The findings are briefly listed blow:① The solid waste management policies have demonstrated multiple text types and various levels of effectiveness, and the policy framework system is gradually optimized.②In each edition of solid waste management policy, the hotspot issues are highlighted with distinctive characteristics of the times and dynamic evolution. The poli-cies are covering more fields, the contents are more targeted and comprehensive, and the implementation is more specific and practical.③ The policies mainly focus on harmlessness, reduction, reclamation, pollution prevention, supervision and management, secondary pollution, recycling, circular economy, etc.④The govern-ment strengthens the top-level design from the macro level, focusing on policy guidance and standardization, policy coordination, technical support, and governance improvement to promote the realization of the goals of\'harmlessness, reduction, reclamation \' . ⑤ The diversification of tools, approaches and factors supporting solid waste management, and the growing awareness of the technical support of solid waste management, and the management mode and governance path have entered the phase of adaptive transformation. Based on practical needs, the market oriented policies and incentive mechanisms for solid waste management are inad-equate, applicable technical attention is not highly paid, and the comprehensive management level and gover-nance capabilities are in urgent need of improvement. Combined with the theoretical research, practical ac-tions and policy initiatives of the construction of\'waste-free city \' in other countries, from the perspectives of solid waste full product lifecycle management, technical support paradigm policy, main body coordination policy, guidance incentive policy, laws and regulations and other aspects, the policy improvement path and di-rection of China \' s\'waste-free city \' are thoroughly discussed in this study.
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