How To Be A Good Teacher

来源 :第二课堂(英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yan303
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  Is teaching an art? Is teaching a learned skill? Actually, I believe it is a little bit of both. There is an art to teaching. Sometimes it comes natural, sometimes it needs to be drawn out over time. Perhaps experience and longevity(持久) contribute to this“art”. Just as one can take classes in painting, one needs some classes on how to teach. But there certainly must be something else there in order to be a great or even a good, teacher!
  First of all, you have to want to be in your classroom, and be there on time and daily. If you do not want to be there, how can you teach? If you have some bad classes, change! If you don’t want to be there, it will show. And your students will suffer.
  Be friendly, positive, fair, balanced(均衡的). If you are strict, and you certainly should be or you will have problems, you will be respected if you are all four of those! Students want rules and expectations. But they want you to be fair and everyone on a level playing field. You are not there to trick your students or make life especially hard.
  Know each and every one of your students in a personal and professional way. Be there for them. Always. If it means getting to school early, staying late, or even giving up a lunch break, do it. Nobody is going to help your students more than you.
  Know the parents. Parents want to be part of some school activities, even if just for conversation. An added bonus(意外收获) is that calling home is a great classroom discipline technique. You can prevent problems coming to you by often calling parents. It really does not take much time. 3~4 minutes a parent, calling 10 or so parents each night.
  Are you an expert on your subject? If not, you had better be prepared!Work overtime outside of class to prepare perfect lessons. Students know when you teachers can hardly control they will eat you alive.
  Never raise your voice in anger, show anger, or any other similar emotion(情绪). Remember, you must have a positive(积极的) classroom, be a positive teacher, in order to get positive students.
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