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2004年7月4日,深圳白石洲一间出租屋内发现一具男尸。死者50岁左右,手脚被麻绳捆绑,头部被一件花色T恤衫罩住,嘴巴用透明胶封住。经过法医鉴定,该男子系因机械性窒息死亡。现场很凌乱,死者身上没有钱物和身份证明,显然,这是一起谋财害命案件。警方经过调查,很快锁定某发廊的按摩工李坤和张丽娅有重大作案嫌疑。案发第13天,警方将逃至温州的这一男一女抓获,随后将同案犯钟胜有拘捕。经审查,办案民警得知,死者林光炳是张丽娅的“干爸”。干女儿为什么要劫杀干爸呢?案件背后,到底有什么不为人知的隐情? On July 4, 2004, a male corpse was found in a rental house in Whitehead Island, Shenzhen. The deceased was around 50 years old, his hands and feet tied up with hemp rope, his head covered by a floral T-shirt, and his mouth sealed with clear plastic. After forensic identification, the man died of mechanical asphyxia. The scene is very messy, the deceased had no money and proof of identity, apparently, this is a murder case. After investigation, police quickly locked a hair salon massager Li Kun and Zhang Liya have a major crime suspect. On the thirteenth day of the incident, the police arrested the man and woman who fled to Wenzhou and later arrested the homosexual Zhong Zhong. After examination, investigators police learned that the deceased Lin Guangbing is Zhang Liya “Dad ”. Why dry daughter robbery dry dad? Behind the case, in the end what is unknown hidden?
本文简要介绍本台监控系统的组成、功能,重点阐述了信号监控切换部分的构思、操作等。 This article briefly describes the composition of this monitoring system, funct