On Teaching Methods of Chinese Characters in TCFL

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  【Abstract】In the curriculum of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL), the teaching of Chinese characters is of great importance. Therefore, this paper mainly discusses three methods of Chinese characters teaching, hoping that these teaching methods may help learners grasp Chinese characters well.
  【Key words】TCFL; Chinese characters; Teaching methods
  Chinese characters are the combinations of graphic forms, sounds and meanings; and they can convey their meanings through their graphic forms. Therefore, great importance should be attached to the teaching of Chinese characters, and some teaching methods should be applied in the curriculum.
  1. Chinese characters should be taught at the beginning of the learners’ learning, together with Chinese Pinyin
  Chinese characters are disconnected with Chinese Pinyin, so learning Chinese Pinyin doesn’t mean learning Chinese characters. In order to give the learners a direct impression of Chinese characters, teachers should teach Chinese characters along with Chinese Pinyin from the very beginning. If the learners are taught Chinese Pinyin and Chinese characters separately, they will have more difficulties in learning Chinese characters later. Therefore, the teaching of Chinese characters and their sounds cannot be separated, and the two aspects should be taught at the same time from the beginning.
  2. Explanations of Chinese characters’ formations and meanings are of great importance
  Almost every Chinese character has its own origin, components and meaning; therefore, to explain the formations and meanings of Chinese characters is very helpful for learners to comprehend them well, especially for those non-single Chinese characters.
  Take the Chinese character “滅(miè)” as an example. “灭” is an associative compound of the up-down structure too. The lower part “火(huǒ)” means “fire” in English, because the shape of it is like the burning fire. The upper part is “一”, which doesn’t mean “one” here, but means “something that is put above the fire to cover it ”. Therefore, the Chinese character “灭” can be explained as something is put above the fire to make it extinguish. In English, “灭” means putting out the fire.
  3. Much attention should be paid to the correct stroke orders of Chinese characters
  Moreover, correct stroke orders must be taught to the learners when teachers are teaching Chinese characters and the learners should be asked to repeat practicing writing Chinese characters in correct stroke orders. If teachers don’t help the learners form the good writing habits from the very beginning, it will take much more time to correct the learners’ writing mistakes in the future.   Here is the example of teaching the stroke orders of Chinese character “吃”. The correct stroke orders should be丨, 一, 丿, 一, ?, and make sure that teachers must demonstrate the correct way of writing to the learners.
  4. Example of the Comprehensive Teaching Method
  Here is an example to illustrate the comprehensive teaching method, which includes the above three teaching methods. When teach the Chinese character “吃(chī)”, which means “eat” in English, teachers should firstly show the complete Chinese character “吃” to the learners. Secondly, teachers should teach Chinese Pinyin of “吃”, that is “chī” ; and ask students to read it in correct sound repeatedly. Thirdly, teachers must explain the structure, components and meaning of “吃”. The Chinese character “吃” is a phonogram of left-right structure. On the left side, it is a “口(kǒu)”, which means “a mouth” in English; and “口” shows that when a person eats, he uses his mouth. On the right side, it is the Chinese character “乞(qǐ)”, which indicates the sound and pronunciation of “chī”. But the sound of “qǐ” and “chī” are not totally same, and teachers should explain their different pronunciation in Chinese Pinyin.
【摘要】随着信息化时代的发展,社会对教师的教学综合能力也随之提高,然而就本人近几年对中职英语教师课堂教学的研究和反思,发现中职英语教师信息化教学能力的现状并不乐观,为了能够有效且科学、合理地提高中职英语教师信息化教学的能力,为学生提供更为良好、新颖的教学方法,也为教师的教学模式提供新思路。本文将立足中职英语教学现状,对中职英语教师信息化教学能力现状分析与对策展开研究。  【关键词】中职教学;英语教
【摘要】在初中英语教学中,阅读教学既是重点,也是难点。初中英语的阅读教学质量直接影响着学生文本分析能力以及语言组织能力的提升,影响着学生对英语语言的综合运用能力,影响着学生良好学习习惯的养成。所以,构建初中英语的有效阅读模式,探索更为科学合理的教学理念以及教学方式,对于丰富初中英语阅读教学内容,活跃初中英语阅读教学氛围,激发学生对英语的学习热情,保证初中英语阅读教学质量具有十分重要的意义。  【关
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【摘要】在英语学习中,英语语言能力与英语语感有着密切的关联,它们是相辅相成的关系。本文从英语语言能力与英语语感的基本情况、各自的概念、二者关系以及如何提升等几个方面着手,分析英语语感在英语语言能力中的重要性,寻找提高英语语感和英语语言能力的方法,为读者学好英语提供有力的引导。  【关键词】英语语言能力;英语语感;英语基础;语言思维;语感图示;欧美语言文化  一、基本情况  随着全球化的加强,各国之
【Abstract】 My thesis attempts to analyze linguistic realization of euphemism in business correspondence and negotiation. Numerous books have been published to offer guidelines for business corresponde
【摘要】词汇是让高中生形成语言能力的支架与基础,只有让高中生掌握足够的词汇知识,才有可能使其逐步形成英语交际能力。然而,学困生是一个特殊的群体,要想对其展开英语词汇教学,还需教师以单元话题为依托来使英语学困生逐步形成较为完整的词汇结构体系。本文也将以此作为研究基点,从做好语境教学、做好语块教学、做好创编教学三个层面来讨论如何以单元话题为依托来对高中英语学困生开展词汇教学。  【关键词】高中英语;词
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【摘要】根據我国小学英语教学现状,初步得出:学生的英语水平既没有得到实质性提高,生态化教学也没有取得突破性成果。然而,生态化课堂又是提高英语水平,彰显学生自我价值的重要方法之一,同时它也作为最基本的教育方式影响着我们日常的学习节奏。所以,本文从小学英语教学出发,就如何提高学生的英语水平和口语表达能力制定了针对性的方法策略,并着重强调了生态化课堂的构建研究策略。  【关键词】小学英语;生态化课堂;构
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