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让学生独立思考、自主学习就是作秀吗?那我宁愿让学生把这样的“秀”做到底!让学生把控课堂,让学生从教师搭台、教师唱戏中释脱出来。很多教师是我讲故我在,不愿意倾听学生怎样想。学生只能在老师滔滔不绝胡“讲”中而进入自己的甜美世界——梦乡。老师不能吸引学生回到课堂,不能引发学生的兴趣,那这样的老师就没有课堂的组织能力!让学生动起来,让他们主动去质疑,去找到解决问题的方法有什么不好呢?即使有的学生找到的答案不尽如人意,教师也应加以鼓励,让他们循序渐进,直到找到正确答案为止。 Let students think independently, autonomous learning is to show it? I would rather let students make such “show ” in the end! Let students take control of the classroom, so that students from teacher to stage, teachers singing out of play. Many teachers tell me why I am, do not want to listen to students how to think. Students can only enter the sweet world of their teacher endless Hu Huo “talk” in - dreamland. Teachers can not attract students back to the classroom, can not arouse the interest of students, so that teachers do not have the ability to organize in the classroom! Let the students move, so that they take the initiative to question, to find ways to solve the problem what is wrong? Even if Students find the answer is not satisfactory, teachers should be encouraged to allow them to step by step until the correct answer is found.
1994年政协河北省七届二次会议上,谭非翎、安永惠、张丑娃等委员分别提出了《非公安部门的车辆一律不允许用 GA 牌照》、《加强 GA牌照及警灯的管理》的提案。政协委员的提
A master of porcelain devotes himself to reviving the Longquan craft Science and technology have ascendedto an unprecedented level in modernlife,but the ancient
邢窑,是唐代著名的瓷窑,五代(公元907-960年)时仍烧造。窑址位于邢台市所辖的内丘县和临城县祁村一带,是中国白瓷生产的发源地,在中国的陶瓷史中占有重要地位。 Xing kiln,
说它是羊不是羊,体育活动有一项。手扶稳,腿打开,纵身跳过真是棒。每天记得多锻炼,结结实实真健康!(你能从正图中找出右图这些藏起来的东西吗?) It is not a sheep that she
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本文可以学到1催化剂不能安装的问题2HDMI和声卡和平共处的方法3HD2000系列显卡引起的死机蓝屏故障4用显卡硬解高清视频 This article can learn a catalyst can not be ins