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日前,针对各地病虫害发生特点,全国农技推广服务中心总结各地加强秋季病虫害防治的重点对象,要求各级植保机构要根据本地病虫害发生实际,明确主攻对象,分区域、分作物进行分类指导,控制重大病虫危害。江淮、黄淮、长江中下游及西南单季稻区:以稻飞虱为重点,及时选择高效低毒药剂醚菊酯、吡蚜酮等防治。如黄熟期田间无水时遇稻飞虱大发生,可选用敌敌畏毒土熏蒸。对以褐飞虱为主要种群的稻田,应避免使用吡虫啉及其复配制剂。在防治稻飞虱时,视情加入井·蜡芽 Recently, according to the characteristics of pests and diseases around the country, the National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center summarized the key targets for strengthening pest control in autumn and urged all levels of plant protection agencies to classify their targets, sub-regions and sub-crops in accordance with the actual occurrence of pests and diseases in the country. Major pest damage. Jianghuai, Huanghuai, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the single cropping area in the southwest of China: In order to focus on planthoppers, timely selection of high and low toxicity etgracethrin, pymetrozine and other control. Such as yellow ripening case of rice planthopper occurred in the field, the choice of dichlorvos toxic soil fumigation. Imidacloprid and its compounded formulations should be avoided for paddy rice fields with BPH as the main population. In the fight against planthoppers, as appropriate, join well wax buds
歌词点击:人生无悔刘欢绿叶无悔扑向那大地是报答泥土芬芳的情意鲜花无悔凋落于风雨因为它有一段生命的美丽江河无悔奔向那海洋因为它投身到母亲的怀里 Lyrics click: life
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A large children’s musical “Ocean Fantasy Night” named after PacLantic Co.,Ltd.gave a successful performance in Poly Theater on July 15th,sending the kids in