CT diagnosis of 52 patients with lymphoma in abdominal lymph nodes

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haha123456hehe
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AIM: To assess CT manifestations and its diagnostic value for lymphoma in the abdominal lymph nodes (LALN). METHODS: CT findings in 52 cases of LALN proved by surgery or biopsy, including Hodgkin’s disease (HD) in 16 cases and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) in 36 cases, were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: (1) CT manifestations based on distribution of the lesions of LALN: Solitary mass type was found in 10 cases, including solitary, round, uniform-density, enlarged lymph nodes in 3 cases; and multiple, enlarged lymph nodes fusing into singular lobular mass in 7 cases. Thirty-four cases of multiple-nodular type showed multiple, round, enlarged lymph nodes with uniform density and clear margins. Vessels-embedded signs, including mesenteric vessels, renal vessels, abdominal aorta or inferior vena cava, were seen in 6 cases, and duodenum-embedded signs were seen in 2 cases. Eight cases of diffuse type showed characteristic “cobblestone signs”. (2) CT manifestations correlated with pathological type: CT manifestations of 12 cases of HD were different from those of 40 cases of NHL in distribution, size, quantity and fused lesion of enlarged lymph nodes. (3) Twenty-eight cases of 52 patients were accompanied with extra-nodal lymphoma in the abdomen, especially gastrointestinal lymphoma, which had characteristic CT findings. (4) In follow-up examinations, CT images showed uniform, heterogeneous or rim enhancement in 15 cases, and occasional calcifications accompanied with reduction of the lesion size and quantity in 12 cases, whereas the lesions disappeared in 3 cases after treatment. CONCLUSION: CT images show many characteristic manifestations valuable for qualitative diagnosis of LALN, and it is also helpful for pathological classification ofLALN and therapeutic evaluation in follow-up of patients. AIM: To assess CT manifestations and its diagnostic value for lymphoma in the abdominal lymph nodes (LALN). METHODS: CT findings in 52 cases of LALN proved by surgery or biopsy, including Hodgkin’s disease (HD) in 16 cases and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma RESULTS: CT manifestations based on distribution of the lesions of LALN: Solitary mass type was found in 10 cases, including solitary, round, uniform-density, enlarged lymph nodes in 3 (NHL) in 36 cases, were retrospectively analyzed. cases; and multiple, enlarged lymph nodes fusing into singular lobular mass in 7 cases. Thirty-four cases of multiple-nodular type showed multiple, round, enlarged lymph nodes with uniform density and clear margins. Vessels-embedded signs, including mesenteric vessels, renal vessels, abdominal aorta or inferior vena cava, were seen in 6 cases, and duodenum-embedded signs were seen in 2 cases. Eight cases of diffuse type showed characteristic “cobblestone signs.” (2) CT manifestations correlated wit h pathological type: CT manifestations of 12 cases of HD were different from those of 40 cases of NHL in distribution, size, quantity and fused lesion of enlarged lymph nodes. (3) Twenty-eight cases of 52 patients were accompanied with extra-nodal (4) In follow-up examinations, CT images showed uniform, heterogeneous or rim enhancement in 15 cases, and occasional calcifications accompanied with reduction of the lesion size and quantity in 12 cases, while the lesions disappeared in 3 cases after treatment. CONCLUSION: CT images show many characteristic manifestations valuable for qualitative diagnosis of LALN, and it is also helpful for pathological classification ofALN and therapeutic evaluation in follow-up of patients.
梅赛德斯-奔驰SLK 2LOOK Edition自3月在日内瓦车展亮相以来,以极富动感的设计、对比分明的色调及精致的细节获得诸多年轻消费者的热捧,而此次其亚洲首次亮相,则为中国公众带
无论在现实生活中,还是在做婚恋咨询的过程中,我都看到许多情侣/夫妻因为选择的不一致而发生矛盾和冲突,严重的甚至导致关系的破裂,两个人最后分手或离婚。  很多情侣/夫妻其实很难接受彼此是不同的两个人这一事实,他们活在一个“如果你爱我,你就要和我一样”或者“我们是相爱的,所以必须要一样”的幻觉中,他们对亲密关系或者另一半有一种理想化或者不切实际的期待,这种情况尤其会在刚刚恋爱不久的情侣身上出现。他们第
我曾经做过一份工作,当时我的直线经理找我谈话,我俩的话题很新颖:不要惧怕升职。  是的,我曾经就是一个惧怕升职的人。  我不是不想要更高的title(职务头衔)和薪水,但伴随升职而来的角色转换的压力会令我胆怯。当你做初级工作时,只要凭技术做好手头的工作即可;而升到经理角色,就需要承担一定的销售指标。再比如以前的工作,管好自己就行;而再上升就需要管理其他同事,偏偏这些归你管的人又不能由你指定,往往那
他是军中骄子,23年军旅生涯,多次荣立二等功、三等功,并33次受到军级以上表彰;他是家中孝子,将拥有35口人、四世同堂的大家庭带成了全国“最美家庭”。他,就是郑州警备区政治部干部马昕,且看他是如何借部队好作风和带兵经验管家的——军中骄子也是家庭孝子  1973年7月,马昕出生于河南省新蔡县一个偏远的农村,父母都是邻里公认的大好人。受双亲影响,马昕从小就爱帮人。1992年12月,19岁的马昕入伍到离
3月5日早上, selina夫妇离婚的事情刷爆了我的朋友圈。有些朋友是在感叹,“相爱容易,相守太難,风雨终究败给平凡”。  想一想,还真是这样。至少,应该有十五年了吧,三个性格迥异的女孩一起唱着,“你是电,你是光,你是唯一的神话”。她们红遍了大江南北,让我们知道了这个叫作“s.H.e”的组合,也让我们记住了她们各自的名字——活泼帅气的ella,清新靓丽的Hebe,以及温婉可人的 selina。其中