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电信运营支撑系统作为快速开通业务、及时保障业务、优化管理网络资源的重要手段,越来越受到运营商的重视。国内各大基础电信运营商正在通过运营支撑系统的建设,获得新的竞争手段、适应通信技术发展,完成向以市场为重点、以客户为核心的转变。同时,全球化竞争的电信市场和电信多元化价值链的形成促进了网络与业务支撑技术的飞跃发展,电信运营支撑系统在电信集约化经营的实践中扮演着越来越重要的角色。目前的电信运营环境主要存在5个方面的竞争:客户服务、集中运营、深入运营、广度运营和精益运营。电信运维管理工作也在转型:由分散维护转向集中维护,即纵向集中;由面向网络逐渐转向服务,即横向延伸;由粗放的运营转向精益运营,即面向经营。2008年是我国电信业非常关键的一年。电信运营商“全业务”竞争即将展开,以及电信业转型的深入推进,对运营支撑系统再次提出了更高、更强的要求,向新一代的运营支撑系统发展成为电信运营商决胜市场的关键之一。运营支撑工作和系统建设在新形势下如何更好地支撑转型工作和更好地服务于广大客户,提升企业的核心竞争力,是电信运营商正在考虑的重大问题。合理使用OSS技术,建设功能完善、互通灵活、充分共享信息的运营支撑系统,是电信运营商目前极为关注并重点发展的运营管理战略之一。2008电信运营支撑系统发展论坛以“面向全业务运营构建融合创新的运营支撑系统”为主题,就运营支撑系统当前的使用状况、发展趋势以及未来、IT支撑网络、OSS与网管支撑系统、计费与BSS等内容,专家学者、运营商嘉宾、厂商代表、咨询机构代表等进行深入的交流和探讨,提出了一些建设性的建议和意见,为推动企业转型,促进电信业快速发展做出贡献。 Telecommunication operation support system as an important means to quickly open business, timely protection of business, optimize the management of network resources, more and more operators attention. Major domestic telecom operators are gaining new means of competition through the construction of operational support systems to adapt to the development of communications technologies and to complete the transition to a market-focused and customer-focused system. At the same time, the globalization of telecommunications markets and the formation of a diversified telecommunications value network have promoted the rapid development of network and business support technologies. The telecom operation support system plays an increasingly important role in the practice of telecom intensive management. The current telecommunications operating environment mainly exists in five areas of competition: customer service, centralized operations, in-depth operations, breadth of operations and lean operations. Telecommunications operation and maintenance management is also transforming: from decentralized maintenance to centralized maintenance, that is, vertical centralized; from network-oriented services gradually, that is, horizontal extension; from extensive operations to lean operations, that is, for the business. 2008 is a very crucial year for China’s telecom industry. The telecom operators “all-service ” competition is about to start soon, and the further promotion of the transformation of the telecom industry puts forward higher and stronger requirements for the operation support system again and becomes a decisive market for telecom operators from a new generation of operation support systems One of the keys. Under the new situation, how to better support the transformation work and better serve our customers and enhance the core competitiveness of the operators is a major issue that telecom operators are considering. The rational use of OSS technology and the building of an operational support system with perfect functions, flexible interworking and full sharing of information are one of the operational management strategies that telecommunication operators are currently paying close attention to and focusing on. 2008 Telecommunication Operation Support System Development Forum With the theme of “Constructing and Innovating Operation Support System for All-service Operation”, the current use status, development trend and future of operation support system, IT support network, OSS and network management support system, Billing and BSS, experts and scholars, operators, guests, manufacturers, consultants and other representatives conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions, put forward some constructive suggestions and opinions, in order to promote business transformation and promote the rapid development of the telecommunications industry to make contribution.
为了解医院工作人员对乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)的感染情况,我们对医院工作人员进行了乙肝病毒标记物(HBVM)的血清学检测,现将结果及防治意见报告如下。 1 对象与方法 医院工作人员
兴趣是最好的老师。激发与培养学生的体育兴趣,不仅能提高学生学习体育的自觉性和积极性,而且能充分体现体育教师在教学中的主导作用。不仅是体育教学的手段,更是体育教学的目的。那么,如何在体育教学中激发和培养学生的体育兴趣呢?    一、 精心、设计“导入”激发学生兴趣    “好的开头是成功的一半”,精彩的课堂导入不仅能很快地集中学生的注意力,而且还能使他们把学习当成是一种乐趣,促使教学任务顺利完成。所
今天我和三个朋友以及我们的妈妈去了上海的电信博物馆,馆内陈列品主要分为四个部分, 电报通信、市内电话通信、长途电话通信、无线通信。  我们首先看到的是以前接线员查电话号码的旋转档夹,它的作用是查阅电话号码来回答用户的询问,相当于现在的114电话查询。当妈妈翻开一页档夹时,所有人都大吃一惊,原来那些号码资料都是真的,里面记录的都是真的电话号码!妈妈说:“做这个行业的人记忆力一定要很强。”我也表示同意
通过运用现代教育手段,激发学生学习历史的兴趣,培养学生各方面的能力,提高教学效果,促进教育现代化的发展。 Through the use of modern educational methods, to stimulat