
来源 :湖北林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HUANJIAN666
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杨树具有生长快、适应性强、易于繁殖和有一定经济价值的特点,深受群众欢迎,是目前广泛栽植的速生树种之一。当前,各省(区)已经把栽植杨树人工林作为解决平原、湖区、丘陵和岗地木材的重要途径。近年来,我省杨树造林也有了迅速的发展,引种、栽培了欧美杨Ⅰ-69/55、Ⅰ-72/58、Ⅰ-214及沙兰杨等几个无性系品种,仅据1983年春止,全省共栽植了杨树3,552万株,其中片林498,600亩,意杨速生丰产林占25万多亩,林网面积达79万亩。随着杨树造林的迅速发展,要想使杨树达到速生、优质,丰产,除了实行集约经营,采用良种壮苗和科学栽培管护外,还必须重视和做好病虫害防治工作,否则,就可能降低造林效果甚至导致失败。为此,就杨树害虫的综合防治谈一些粗浅认识。 Poplar has the characteristics of fast growth, strong adaptability, easy breeding and certain economic value, and is widely welcomed by the public. It is one of the fast-growing tree species widely planted at present. At present, all provinces (districts) have planted poplar plantations as an important way to solve the plains, lakes, hills and posts. In recent years, the poplar afforestation in our province has also developed rapidly. Several clonal varieties such as Populus I-69/55, I-72/58, I-214 and Sallaillata were introduced and cultivated. The province has planted a total of 35,520,000 poplar trees, of which 498,600 are planted forests. Poplar fast growing forests account for more than 250,000 mu and the forest network covers an area of ​​790,000 mu. With the rapid development of poplar afforestation, in order to achieve the fast-growing, high-quality and high-yield poplars, in addition to intensive management, adoption of strong seedlings and scientific cultivation and management and protection, we must also attach importance to and control pests and diseases, otherwise It may even reduce the afforestation effect and even lead to failure. To this end, on the comprehensive prevention and control of poplar pests talk about some superficial understanding.
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Modal analysis of structural acoustic radiation from a vibrating structure is discussed using structural vibration modes and acoustic radiation modes based on