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深圳市医疗保险制度改革的目的是,在保障人民身体健康的基础上,克服卫生资源的浪费,实现卫生资源的优化配置,以使有限的卫生资源,达到最佳的医疗卫生服务。然而,几年来医疗保险制度的改革结果表明,尽管卫生行政部门和社会保险局的同志作了艰辛的努力,但由于种种原因,离此目标仍有明显的差距。尤其是在控制住院患者的医疗费用不合理增长方面,工作十分艰巨。据近几年的统计,我市参加医疗保险的住院患者平均住院费仍高于全国各大中城市。一些医疗程度不同地存在大处方、人情方,用贵药、滥检查等不正之风。同一住院患者“两次记帐”的现象屡见不鲜。有的甚至把不必要的医疗费用转嫁担保人的身上,影响医疗保险制度的公平性和健康发展。其原因当然是多方面的,但核心问题是,我们没有确立大卫生观的思想,不是以提高整体人群的健康意识和健康素质来考虑,而是仅仅从局部的、个体的,单纯在个别患者身上的有限医疗费用上作文章,显然效果是不理想的。因为医院在整个医疗行为过程中处于主导作用和垄断地位,少数领导和医生常常为了局部经济效益或个人利益往往可能诱导患者进行不合理的医疗消费,只要患者一旦到了医院,需作什么样的检查项目,开什么药,主动权全在医生手里。而检查多,开药多,开贵药显然对增加医院的经 The purpose of the reform of the medical insurance system in Shenzhen is to overcome the waste of health resources and optimize the allocation of health resources so that the limited health resources can reach the best medical and health services on the basis of ensuring people’s health. However, the results of the reform of the medical insurance system over the past few years show that despite the arduous efforts of the health administrations and the comrades of the Social Insurance Bureau, there are still notable gaps in this goal for various reasons. In particular, it is a daunting task to control the unreasonable increase in the medical costs of inpatients. According to the statistics of recent years, the average hospitalization fee of inpatients participating in medical insurance in our city is still higher than that of all major cities in China. Different levels of medical prescriptions exist large prescriptions, human side, with your medicine, abuse of checks and other unhealthy tendencies. The same inpatient “double billing” phenomenon is not uncommon. Some even pass on unnecessary medical expenses to the guarantor, affecting the fairness and healthy development of the medical insurance system. The reason is, of course, multifaceted. However, the core issue is that we do not have the idea of ​​establishing a wholesome outlook on health. We do not consider improving the health awareness and quality of the general population, but only from the local, individual, The body’s limited medical expenses make an issue, apparently the effect is not ideal. Because hospitals play a leading and monopolistic role in the overall medical practice, a small number of leaders and doctors often induce patients to unreasonably consume for the sake of local economy or personal interests. Once the patients arrive at the hospital, what kind of checkups are needed? Project, open what medicine, the initiative in the hands of doctors. And check and more, prescribe more drugs to open expensive obviously to increase the hospital by
为了探索痢疾发病情况,我们对铁路南昌地区1963年265例细菌性痢疾进行流行病学调查,兹将调查结果分析报告如下: 流行病学调查一、痢疾发病率:由于健全了传染病报告.痢疾专科
【摘要】科学课的教学设计与实际教学会因学生的差异出现矛盾和变化,也就要经常处理不可避免的偶发事件。处理偶发事件有些什么技巧和方法呢?预设全面细致;应对冷静机智;处理策略合理。  【关键词】预设与偶发;预设全面细致;应对冷静机智;处理策略合理  【中图分类号】G623.9【文献标识码】 C【文章编号】1671-1270(2010)01-0121-01    科学课的教学设计与实际教学之间存在较大的出